Online HealthCare Management System is powerful, flexible, and easy to use platform developed to minimize the managerial constaraints the health industry commonly faced.
Admin Panel: Manages the system's overall process
- Update Own Information
- Register Other Admin
- Register Doctor
- Approve Patient's Register Request
- Approve Patient's Prescription upload Request
- Search Patient's Information
- Search Doctor's Information
Doctor Panel :
- Update Own Information
- Visit Own Appointment List
- Visit Detail information about appointed patient
- Create commonly known disease
- Realtime Chat with Patient
Patient Panel :
- Update Own Information
- Search Doctor and Create Appontment with doctor
- search Disease
- upload prescriptions
- Realtime Chat with Doctor
- Git Clone the Project
- Install the Xampp and place the project in htdocs(Xammp's install location) folder
- Intall Composer
- Open project with VS code
- Open the terminal on Vscode and Run the Following Commands
- composer install
- npm install
- npm run dev
- Now in Xammp Open Php myadmin and create a databse with name 'doctor_mangement'
- Then Run this Following only once Command
- php artisan migrate:fresh
- php artisan db:seed
- php artisan storage:link
- php artisan websockets:serve
- Now Every time you open this project then you have to run foloowing command only
- php artisan websockets:serve
- you can visit the website from browser typing 'localhost'
- you have to login the project with default admin credential
- User Name:
- Password : password
- from there you can approve patient's register request
A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.