To convert a VCF into a MAF, each variant must be annotated to only one of all possible gene transcripts/isoforms that it might affect. This selection of a single affected transcript/isoform per variant, is often subjective. For now, we try to follow best-practices, but over time, the selection process will be made smarter and more configurable.
Download and unzip the latest script:
unzip && rm -f
View the detailed usage manual:
perl --man
This script needs snpEff (, a variant annotator that can quickly map each variant to all possible transcripts in a database. It also includes a downloader/importer for thousands of popular transcript databases like from Ensembl and UCSC. snpEff is downloadable as a java archive, so make sure you also have Java installed.
Get to your home directory, and download snpEff's jar files and supporting scripts:
cd ~/
cd snpEff
There are over 2500 pre-indexed transcript databases available through snpEff (different species/references/versions). They can be listed out as follows:
java -jar snpEff.jar databases
Grep out the databases for humans:
java -jar snpEff.jar databases | grep -i homo_sapiens
Download and import the Ensembl v73 database for humans, and also the UCSC Known Genes database:
java -jar snpEff.jar download GRCh37.73
java -jar snpEff.jar download hg19kg
To test out snpEff, download and unzip VCFs from the NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project:
mkdir nhlbi_esp
wget -P nhlbi_esp
tar -zxvf nhlbi_esp/ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.dbSNP138-rsIDs.snps_indels.vcf.tar.gz -C nhlbi_esp
Benchmark snpEff on the chr17 NHLBI ESP VCF with ~120K variants (Give it 2GB JVM heap size, use the Ensembl v73 database, and use HGVS output format for codon changes):
time java -Xmx2g -jar snpEff.jar eff -hgvs GRCh37.73 nhlbi_esp/ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.updatedRsIds.chr17.snps_indels.vcf > nhlbi_esp/ESP6500SI-V2-SSA137.updatedRsIds.chr17.snps_indels.anno.vcf
It may report some warnings, but that's OK. The Ensembl transcript database is very comprehensive and lists many putative transcripts that need more curation. But our script will appropriately prioritize the "best" transcript to annotate each variant to.
Cyriac Kandoth (
William Lee (
LGPLv3, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10065, USA