This is a simple vue-range slider, that supports custom values, labels and more. The component is based on use with v-model, the value is always a string, for supporting custom values.
See the slider in action, in this codesandbox
npm install --save vue-custom-range-slider
yarn add vue-custom-range-slider
<custom-slider min="10" max="50" step="2" raising v-model="slider" />
{{ slider }}
import CustomSlider from "vue-custom-range-slider";
// import the styling, css or scss
import "vue-custom-range-slider/dist/vue-custom-range-slider.css";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
slider: "12"
<custom-slider :values="sliderValues" raising v-model="slider" />
{{ slider }}
import CustomSlider from "vue-custom-range-slider";
// import the styling, css or scss
import "vue-custom-range-slider/dist/vue-custom-range-slider.css";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
slider: "a",
sliderValues: [
label: "Not at all",
value: "a"
label: "A tiny bit",
value: "b"
label: "Its ok",
value: "c"
label: "Its very good",
value: "d"
label: "Its AMAZING!",
value: "e"
All properties are optional
Property | Description | Type | Default |
values | Pass an array of custom values, with corresponding labels (overrides min/max) | array |
[] |
min | Sets the minimum value of the slider | string |
'0' |
max | Sets the maximum value of the slider | string |
'100' |
step | Sets the stepping interval | string |
'1' |
hideLabel | Set, if you want to hide the label above the slider | boolean |
false |
raising | Set if you want a "raising" shape, like: ◁ | boolean |
false |
Name | Description | Type |
change | Emits the current value on change | string |
You can easily modify the look of the slider, by overriding the variables in the scss file.
// override variables like this:
$label-color: red;
// import the styling,
@import "vue-custom-range-slider/dist/vue-custom-range-slider.scss";
All variables can be found in the scss file
- Disabled properties
- Name attributes for form handling
- Better styling options
If you have suggestions for improvements, dont hesitate to make an issue or pull request. :)