Bootstrap 3 modals properly integrated within Meteor platform.
meteor add bloodsucker:bootstrap3-modals
After installation, you can use the package through global BModals.
Remember to have installed bootstrap 3, which is the only requirement. However, this dependency will not be automatically downloaded or installed so you can choose your prefered bootstrap 3 package.
The proper way to create a modal in Meteor:
// bModal is not a jQuery element.
var bModal = BModals.showNew('modalContentTemplateName', function () {
return MyCollection.findOne(colectionId);
The proper way to templating is extending the expected html structure for bootstrap modals. So:
<template name="modalContentTemplateName">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>
<h4 class="modal-title">Modal title</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<p>One fine body…</p>
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</button>
The proper way to force to hide a modal in Meteor:
You can listen bootstrap 3 modal events as well:
// Same as $modal.on('', cb);
bModal.on('hidden', function () {
//To be executed when modal is hidden
Creates and shows a bootstrap modal and sets as a content the Template modalContentTemplateName.
modalContentTemplateName string
The template name that will act as a content for the Modal.
data Object or Function
Optional. The data context to use, or a function returning a data context. If a function is provided, it will be reactively re-run.
attached Template
Optional. Links the modal to that Template (actually to the Blaze.View Template's instance) life-cycle. When the template is destroyed, then the modal will be also hide and then destroyed.
classes string
Optional. Specifies classes that will be appended in the .modal tag. By default, it appends the fade class.
size string
Optional. Specifies classes that will be appended in the .modal-dialog tag. It can be used, and it is mean, to specify the modal size. In bootstrap modals there are two default classes to set modal size: modal-lg and modal-sm class. By default, it does not append any.
modalOptions Object
Optional. Same bootstrap modals options object that is passed during modal instantiation.
After executing BModals.showNew it returns a BModal instance.
It cannot be instantiated from outside the package and it is the constructor to instance an object which represents a bootstrap modal.
An instance can be retrieved after executing BModals.showNew.
The following properties and methods are available on a BModal instance:
attached Boolean
If the attached property was set in BModals.showNew options then this would be true meanwhile the modal and the specified Template instance both exist.
on(eventName, cb)
Is the way to listen bootstrap modal events. eventName argument is completed as:
eventName + ".bs.modal"
It hides and then destroy an active modal.
Do you want to use it in your project or have any comment? I will be so glad to hear it so, please, let me know.
Released under LGPLv3
Basically you can use it wherever you want but keeping any code modification with the same license or compatible. Please, do not forget about credits 😃
Copyright 2015 - José Cabo Carsí - LinkedIn -