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API Reference


newUserClient(systemkey, systemsecret, email, password string) *UserClient

	systemKey // string
		Required. The systemKey of the system to connect to. Retrievable from the Console's System Settings.
	systemSecret // string
		Required. The systemSecret of the system to connect to. Retrievable from the Console's System Settings.
	email // string
		Email of non-dev user to connect to system as. If registerUser key is not provided, the user must be registered through the Auth tab of the console, and given appropriate roles.
	password // string
		Password of non-dev user to connect to system as.


userClient.Authenticate() error

Authenticates credentials set on userClient and sets session token

userClient.Register(username, password string) error

Register a new user with the platform.

	username // string
		Email of the new user
	password // string
		Password of the new user

userClient.RegisterUser(username, password string) (map[string]interface{}, error)

Register a new user with the platform, and return response with token

	username // string
		Email of the new user
	password // string
		Password of the new user

userClient.Logout() error

End session for current user


userClient.InsertData(collection_id string, data interface{}) error

Insert new item in the collection

	collection_id // string
		ID assigned to the collection by the system
	data // interface
		Representatation of data object to be inserted

userClient.CreateData(collection_id string, data interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)

Insert new item in the collection and return the response

	collection_id // string
		ID assigned to the collection by the system
	data // interface
		Representation of data object to be inserted

userClient.GetData(collectionId string, query *GoSDK.Query) (map[string]interface{}, error)

Retrieve array of items from the collection using the collection ID

	collectionId // string
		ID assigned to the collection by the system
	query // *GoSDK.Query
		Custom query created using this SDK

userClient.GetDataByName(collectionName string, query *GoSDK.Query) (map[string]interface{}, error)

Retrieve array of items from the collection using the collection name

	collectionName // string
		Name assigned to the collection by the developer
	query // *GoSDK.Query
		Custom query created using this SDK

userClient.UpdateData(collection_id string, query *GoSDK.Query, changes map[string]interface{}) error

Updates existing items in the collection that match the provided query

	collectionId // string
		ID assigned to the collection by the system
	query // *GoSDK.Query
		Custom query created using this SDK
	changes // map[string]interface{}
		Key-value pairs representing column names to be updated and new values

userClient.DeleteData(collection_id string, query *GoSDK.Query) error

Removes every item in the collection that match the provided query

	collectionId // string
		ID assigned to the collection by the system
	query // *GoSDK.Query
		Custom query created using this SDK

userClient.GetColumns(collection_id string) ([]interface{}, error)

Retrieves column names, types and primary keys for a collection

	collectionId // string
		ID assigned to the collection by the system


query := NewQuery() *GoSDK.Query

Returns new Query to be used in Data operations

query.EqualTo(field string, value interface{})

Select where field is equal to value

	field // string
		Field / column name in collection
	value // interface{}
		Data to match in field

query.GreaterThan(field string, value interface{})

Select where field is > to value

	field // string
		Field / column name in collection
	value // interface{}
		Data to match in field

query.GreaterThanEqualTo(field string, value interface{})

Select where field is >= to value

	field // string
		Field / column name in collection
	value // interface{}
		Data to match in field

query.LessThan(field string, value interface{})

Select where field is < to value

	field // string
		Field / column name in collection
	value // interface{}
		Data to match in field

query.LessThanEqualTo(field string, value interface{})

Select where field is <= to value

	field // string
		Field / column name in collection
	value // interface{}
		Data to match in field

query.NotEqualTo(field string, value interface{})

Select where field is != to value

	field // string
		Field / column name in collection
	value // interface{}
		Data to match in field

query.Matches(field string, value interface{})

Query where field is ~ than value using regex

	field // string
		Field / column name in collection
	value // interface{}
		Data to match in field

query.Or(orQuery *GoSDK.Query)

Join two queries together with OR condition

	orQuery // *GoSDK.Query
		Second GoSDk.Query

Code Services

userClient.CallService(systemKey, name string, params map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error)

Run a named code service that exists on the system with options, and returns the response object or an error

	systemKey // string
		Key to system that contains desired code service
	name // string
		Name of code service to be executed
	params // map[string]interface{}
		Request object to be passed to code service function on execution


userClient.InitializeMQTT(clientid string, ignore string, timeout int) error

Set required MQTT options on user client

	clientid // string
		MQTT client id
	ignore // string
		Not used, default to ""
	timeout // int
		Timeout value for MQTT client in Seconds

userClient.ConnectMQTT(ssl *tls.Config, lastWill *GoSDK.LastWillPacket) error

Establish MQTT connection for set user

	clientid // *tls.Config,
	lastWill // *GoSDK.LastWillPacket, 

userClient.Publish(topic string, message []byte, qos int) error

Publish message on MQTT topic

	topic // string
		MQTT topic to publish on
	message // []byte
		Byte-seralized message
	qos // int
		QOS priority for message

userClient.Subscribe(topic string, qos int) (<-chan *mqtt.Publish, error)

Asynchronoulsy subscribe to MQTT topic and push messages onto channel as they arrive

	topic // string
		MQTT topic to subscribe
	qos // int
		QOS priority for message

userClient.Unsubscribe(topic string) error

Stop subscription to MQTT topic

	topic // string
		MQTT topic to unsusbcribe

userClient.Disconnect() error

End MQTT connection for set user


Download and Install Go

Follow the instructions for downloading and installing Go from

Clone the ClearBlade Go-SDK repository

Do a git clone to clone the Go-SDK for the ClearBlade Platform.

Import the Go-SDK package in your project

In order to use the Go-SDK in your project, you will need to import the Go-SDK package that you cloned from github, in your project.

import (
    cb ""


A Go client library for working with the ClearBlade Platform







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