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Scheduled Updates

Natan Vieira edited this page Jul 28, 2023 · 9 revisions

Scheduled Updates is a Inventory Framework built-in feature that allows the developer to schedule automatic updates for any view, basically it's a "call update every X period".

Table of Contents


Scheduled update is part of the view configuration, so use onInit to set it.
The configuration is called scheduleUpdate and has as a parameter the time interval of each update in ticks.

public void onInit(ViewConfigBuilder config) {

Code Examples

Automatic update every 1 second (20 ticks)

public void onInit(ViewConfigBuilder config) {

Since auto-update just updates the view, dynamically-rendered items will react to this update.
The example below uses Dynamic Item Rendering and Advanced State Management.

private final MutableIntState counterState = mutableState(0);

public void onInit(ViewConfigBuilder config) {

public void onFirstRender(RenderContext render) {
    render.firstSlot().renderWith(() -> new ItemStack(
            /* type = */   Material.DIAMOND, 
            /* amount = */ counterState.increment(render)

How It Works Internally

There is a global scheduler for all scheduled updates for all contexts in a view.

When a new player opens a view, this view is added to a collection of lists of this scheduler responsible for the automatic update that every certain period of time executes the update() function of all the contexts currently present in the view.

  • The trigger for the internal scheduler to run the automatic update is the beginning of a new player's view onOpen.
  • When a player closes a view, if its context is considered invalid (there is no other viewer in the same context), also applying to all other contexts present in that view, the scheduler is interrupted.