Here I developed 3 functions for DBIT-seq data: 1.shiny_st() # Edit your spot in web freely! 2.seurat2scanpy() # Transform seurat.object to scanpy.anndata totally (including counts, data, dimreduc, neighbor, spaitla, etc.)! 3.run_st_neighbor_genger() # Cell communication algorithm based on spatial neighbor!
shiny_st(seurat_obj, assay = "SCT", slot = "data", image = "test", python_env = "~/miniconda3/envs/daily/bin/python", script = "~/script/")
(repackaged from
sample = "E16.5_slice18"
srat.merge = readRDS("/media/biogenger/D/Projects/CMY/Analysis/mouse_lung/All/Paper/Fig4/srat.merge.reanno.rds")
srat.merge = SubsetSTData(srat.merge, spots = rownames([srat.merge$orig.ident == sample])
srat.merge$ = droplevels(srat.merge$
table(srat.merge$ AT1.pre AT1 AT2.pre AT2 Matrix.FB myo.FB gCap
# 55 802 103 690 226 955 576 646
if (! dir.exists(ccc_path)) dir.create(ccc_path)
neighbor.res = run_st_neighbor_genger(srat.merge, coordx = "barcodeB", coordy = "barcodeA", label.col = "", self.interaction = T, permut = T, nperm = 2000, max.distance = 2)
st_celltype_pair_neighbor_genger(srat.traj, neighbor.res = neighbor.res, image = "E16.5_slice18", celltype_pair = c("AT1.pre", "AT1"), label.col = "", pt.size = 2, show.image = T, show.label = T)
### Load LR-DB and start CCC Analysis ###
lr_pair.df = read.table("/media/biogenger/D/LR_database/mouse_ligand_receptors_giotto.txt", header = T, stringsAsFactors = F)
lr_pair.df %>% head()
# ligand receptor
#1 A2m Lrp1
#2 Aanat Mtnr1a
#3 Adam12 Itga9
#4 Adam12 Itgb1
#5 Adam12 Sdc4
#6 Adam15 Itga5 = apply(srat.traj@assays$SCT@data, 1, sum) =[ > 0]
lr_pair.df$mouseLigand.exist = ifelse(lr_pair.df$mouseLigand %in% names(, "ligand", "no")
lr_pair.df$mouseReceptor.exist = ifelse(lr_pair.df$mouseReceptor %in% names(, "receptor", "no")
lr_pair.df$lr.exist = paste0(lr_pair.df$mouseLigand.exist, "_", lr_pair.df$mouseReceptor.exist)
lr_pair.df = lr_pair.df %>% dplyr::filter(lr.exist == "ligand_receptor")
lr_pair.df = lr_pair.df[ , 1:2]
colnames(lr_pair.df) = c("ligand", "receptor")
lr_pair.df$LR = paste0(lr_pair.df$ligand, "_", lr_pair.df$receptor)
result.df = run_st_neighbor_chat_genger(srat.merge, neighbor.res = neighbor.res, lr.df = lr_pair.df, assay = "SCT", slot = "data", label.col = "", celltype_pair = c("AT1.pre", "myo.FB"), nperm = 2000)
result.df %>% head()
result.df %>% dplyr::filter(pval.both < 0.05 & min.expr.both > 0.1) %>% arrange(pval.both)
result.df %>% dplyr::filter(pval.ind < 0.05 & min.expr.ind > 0.1) %>% arrange(pval.ind)
# ligand receptor LR celltype_pair ligand_celltype_both_mean receptor_celltype_both_mean ligand_celltype1_mean receptor_celltype2_mean min.expr.both min.expr.ind pval.ligand.both pval.receptor.both
#1 A2m Lrp1 A2m_Lrp1 AT1.pre_myo.FB 0.022416981 0.30527435 0.019948741 0.3688052 0.02241698 0.01994874 0.9950 0.9720
#2 Aanat Mtnr1a Aanat_Mtnr1a AT1.pre_myo.FB 0.004674503 0.00000000 0.006085798 0.0000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.3920 0.0000
#3 Adam12 Itga9 Adam12_Itga9 AT1.pre_myo.FB 0.821827418 0.78610743 0.796703430 0.9556919 0.78610743 0.79670343 1.0000 0.0000
#4 Adam12 Itgb1 Adam12_Itgb1 AT1.pre_myo.FB 0.821827418 0.82841966 0.796703430 0.8369752 0.82182742 0.79670343 1.0000 0.9985
#5 Adam12 Sdc4 Adam12_Sdc4 AT1.pre_myo.FB 0.821827418 0.18802907 0.796703430 0.1787223 0.18802907 0.17872231 1.0000 0.6115
#6 Adam15 Itga5 Adam15_Itga5 AT1.pre_myo.FB 0.035670005 0.08477808 0.033044533 0.1134542 0.03567000 0.03304453 0.8035 1.0000
# pval.both pval.ligand.ind pval.receptor.ind pval.ind
#1 0.98350 0.989 0.0010 0.49500
#2 0.19600 0.154 0.0000 0.07700
#3 0.50000 1.000 0.0000 0.50000
#4 0.99925 1.000 0.8695 0.93475
#5 0.80575 1.000 0.7785 0.88925
#6 0.90175 0.854 0.3355 0.59475
srat.merge$Vegfa.expr = FetchData(srat.merge, vars = "Vegfa", slot = "data")[[1]]
srat.merge$Nrp2.expr = FetchData(srat.merge, vars = "Nrp2", slot = "data")[[1]]
Spatial2Featureplot_genger(srat.merge, orig.ident = "E16.5_slice18", image = "E16.5_slice18", show.image = F, featureA = "Vegfa.expr", featureB = "Nrp2.expr", show.label = T, theme.dark = F)
Feel free to ask any questions, open a PR if you feel something can be done differently!
Created by EddieLv