A Roslyn analyzer that allows you to enforce a no-capture policy for passing lambdas to your methods by decorating them with a special attribute.
Install the HellBrick.NoCapture package from NuGet
Decorate the methods or the parameters that you don't want the callers to pass capturing lambdas to with the
public static IEnumerable<TOut> Select<TIn, TOut, TArg>( this IEnumerable<TIn> sequence, TArg argument, Func<TIn, TArg, TOut> selector )
foreach ( TIn item in sequence )
yield return selector( item, argument );
public static IEnumerable<TOut> Select<TIn, TOut>( this IEnumerable<TIn> sequence, [NoCapture] Func<TIn, TOut> selector )
=> sequence.Select( selector, ( item, innerSelector ) => innerSelector( item ) );
// ...
public class Caller
private readonly int[] _numbers = { 64, 128, 256 };
private readonly int _field = 42;
public void CallSite( int argument )
// Error: Select( selector ) requires a non-capturing lambda. Captured variables: this.
_numbers.Select( x => x + _field );
// Error: Select( selector ) requires a non-capturing lambda. Captured variables: this, argument.
_numbers.Select( "", ( x, _ ) => x + _field + argument );
At the moment, only the lambdas defined inline in the argument list are checked for the violations of the [NoCapture]
For instance, the following call site, if added to the previous example, will trick the analyzer into a false negative:
public void AnotherCallSite()
// No error yet.
Func<int, int> lambda = x => x + _field;
_numbers.Select( lambda );