This package solves for multilinear kernels (i.e., multilinear regression) that satisfy a
least-square error criterion. Given a stimulus S
, a matrix specifying the i
th input
at time τ
as S[τ, i]
, and a response vector r
such that r[τ]
is the response at
time τ
, find a multilinear kernel k[τ,i]
such that
r ≈ S ∗ k
where ∗
means convolution.
The following demo is taken from the help for solve_for_kernel
julia> using LinearKernelModels, OffsetArrays
julia> S = rand(100,3);
julia> ktrue = OffsetArray(rand(5, 3), -4:0, 1:3)
OffsetArray(::Array{Float64,2}, -4:0, 1:3) with eltype Float64 with indices -4:0×1:3:
0.155762 0.877222 0.457633
0.88788 0.355702 0.0268748
0.276609 0.914133 0.230344
0.718295 0.158363 0.0402396
0.195513 0.783832 0.5007
julia> ktrue[-4, 1] = 0
julia> isnz = ktrue .!= 0
OffsetArray(::BitArray{2}, -4:0, 1:3) with eltype Bool with indices -4:0×1:3:
false true true
true true true
true true true
true true true
true true true
julia> r = compute_r(S, ktrue);
julia> k = solve_for_kernel(S, r, isnz)
OffsetArray(::Array{Float64,2}, -4:0, 1:3) with eltype Float64 with indices -4:0×1:3:
6.99441e-15 0.877222 0.457633
0.88788 0.355702 0.0268748
0.276609 0.914133 0.230344
0.718295 0.158363 0.0402396
0.195513 0.783832 0.5007