Welcome to the Laravel+Vue example close to a real SPA-API application.
Designed for junior developers, show the main points of full stack developing a classic web app with Auth, Roles, CRUD, Service Layer, etc.
Your application may have a different implementation. Use any code of the app at your own risk 😈.
- PHP 8.2
- MariaDB 10
- Node 18
- Docker
- Redis
- Laravel 10
- Octane Roadrunner
- Fortify
- Sanctum
- Telescope
- Vue 3
- Vite
- Tailwind CSS
- Font Awesome
cp .env.example .env
The configuration is ready to use and does not require changes.
docker-compose up -d
Go to http://localhost:8000
Mailhog: http://localhost:8025
Database: localhost:3377
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan storage:link
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed --class=DemoSeeder
php artisan octane:install --server=roadrunner
php artisan octane:start --watch
yarn && yarn dev