jQuery plugin of the Lista de Compras platform
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Lista de Compras (Editora Inovação) is a application that allows you create a list of available products selling in Vitrine do Artesanto or Tania Silva store and show it on any website with a link to the cart of the store.
With this plugin you can manage your lists, [TODO] account preferences and get the available products for building new lists.
Lista de Compras API documentation
The plugin working on Programa Arte Brasil:
And in the Canal do Artesanato:
To simple show a list in your page, creates a simple HTML element and call the plugin:
<div id="showListaDeCompras"></div>
Now call the plugin:
var listaDeCompras = $("#showListaDeCompras").listaDeCompras({
readKey: "your-read-key",
listId: 1, //The list ID
theme: "oliveDrab", //The list theme (availables: red, orange, green, blue, oliveDrab and default)
You can pass options by the constructor or by the options method (see _ Methods _ above for more info)
Option | Description | Default value | Values |
useProduction | Sets the platform environment | true | boolean:true|false |
readKey | The platform API key | null | string:your api key |
type | The display type (use table or ul/li elements) | table | string:table|list |
showPrices | Flag to show products prices or not | true | boolean:true|false |
listLoadSuccesfullyCallback | A callback function to trigger when the lists load succesfully | null | function |
listLoadErrorCallback | A callback function to trigger when cannot load the list (error | list dosen't exists) | null | function |
debug | A flag to enable or disable debugging | false | boolean:true|false |
maxProducts | Limit the maximum number of products displayed in the list | -1 | integer: -1 show all | N shows N |
theme | The plugin CSS theme | default | string: red, orange, blue, green, oliveDrab, default |
customCampaign | The utm_campaign string for the buy link | null | string |
headerText | The plugin header text | null | string |
css | This option allows you set custom CSS classes for some items of the plugin | ** default plugin classes ** | object: see table below |
** The CSS classes ** can be overrrinding by setting the CSS option with the following object:
Property | Description | Default value |
itemQuantity | The item quantity field | quantity |
itemQuantityPlus | The item quantity increase button | plus |
itemQuantityLess | The item quantity decrease button | less |
itemAvailability | The item availability class to enable|disable the quantity field & buttons | availability |
itemAvailabilityIcon | The item availability icon | stockIcon |
buyButton | The buy button | buy |
cartTotal | The cart total descriptor | amount |
There are a few methods that can be called to operate the plugin programmatically
init: Initializes the plugin
destroy: Destroys the plugin (the list itself is also removed from the page)
load: Loads a specific list by it's id
$("#target").listaDeCompras("load", 1234); //try to load the list 1234
updateQuantity: Updates the selected quantity for a specified SKU in the list
$("#target").listaDeCompras("updateQuantity", 1, 10); //updates the quantity of SKU 1 to 10 units
addToCart: adds a sku to the cart, this is the same of adding 1 item of the product
new { SalesChannelId: 1000001, Stock: 10, Quantity: 1, Price: 10.9 }(),
); //You should pass the sales channel id, available quantity, desired quantity and the price of the SKU
clearCart: Removes all products from the cart
addEventListeners: Add event listeners to the plugin increase & decrease buttons, quantity fields and buy button
getBuyLink: Gets the link to the store cart (with all sku & quantity) selecteds and the SEO params
var link = $("#target").listaDeCompras("getBuyLink");
getCartTotal: Gets the current cart total
var total = $("#target").listaDeCompras("getCartTotal");
window.alert("Current cart is R$ " + total);
updateCartTotal: Updates the cart total (only if showPrices option is set to true), usefull when you add products or change the quantity of a product via JS
set: Sets an option after the plugin has been initialized
$("#target").listaDeCompras("set", "optionName", "optionValue");
get: Gets the current value for a option
$("#target").listaDeCompras("get", "optionName");
debug: Debugs the current plugin to the console.log
Developed by Guilherme Branco Stracini for Editora Inovação
© 2016 ~ 2018 All rights reserved.