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Pairwise and colwise with convenience functions (#224)
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* Pairwise and colwise with convenienc functions

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devmotion authored Sep 4, 2021
1 parent 4f98bc5 commit a43d76b
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Showing 5 changed files with 82 additions and 25 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
name = "Distances"
uuid = "b4f34e82-e78d-54a5-968a-f98e89d6e8f7"
version = "0.10.3"
version = "0.10.4"

LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
StatsAPI = "82ae8749-77ed-4fe6-ae5f-f523153014b0"

julia = "1"
StatsAPI = "1"
julia = "1"

OffsetArrays = "6fe1bfb0-de20-5000-8ca7-80f57d26f881"
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/bhattacharyya.jl
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# Bhattacharyya distance
(::BhattacharyyaDist)(a, b) = -log(bhattacharyya_coeff(a, b))
bhattacharyya(a, b) = BhattacharyyaDist()(a, b)
const bhattacharyya = BhattacharyyaDist()

# Hellinger distance
(::HellingerDist)(a, b) = sqrt(1 - bhattacharyya_coeff(a, b))
hellinger(a, b) = HellingerDist()(a, b)
const hellinger = HellingerDist()
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/haversine.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,6 @@ function (dist::SphericalAngle)(x, y)
2 * asin( min(a, one(a)) ) # take care of floating point errors

spherical_angle(x, y) = SphericalAngle()(x, y)
const spherical_angle = SphericalAngle()

result_type(::Union{Haversine, SphericalAngle}, ::Type, ::Type) = Float64
40 changes: 20 additions & 20 deletions src/metrics.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ end
# Euclidean
@inline eval_op(::Euclidean, ai, bi) = abs2(ai - bi)
eval_end(::Euclidean, s) = sqrt(s)
euclidean(a, b) = Euclidean()(a, b)
const euclidean = Euclidean()

# Weighted Euclidean
@inline eval_op(::WeightedEuclidean, ai, bi, wi) = abs2(ai - bi) * wi
Expand All @@ -350,15 +350,15 @@ peuclidean(a, b, p) = PeriodicEuclidean(p)(a, b)

# SqEuclidean
@inline eval_op(::SqEuclidean, ai, bi) = abs2(ai - bi)
sqeuclidean(a, b) = SqEuclidean()(a, b)
const sqeuclidean = SqEuclidean()

# Weighted Squared Euclidean
@inline eval_op(::WeightedSqEuclidean, ai, bi, wi) = abs2(ai - bi) * wi
wsqeuclidean(a, b, w) = WeightedSqEuclidean(w)(a, b)

# Cityblock
@inline eval_op(::Cityblock, ai, bi) = abs(ai - bi)
cityblock(a, b) = Cityblock()(a, b)
const cityblock = Cityblock()

# Weighted City Block
@inline eval_op(::WeightedCityblock, ai, bi, wi) = abs((ai - bi) * wi)
Expand All @@ -367,14 +367,14 @@ wcityblock(a, b, w) = WeightedCityblock(w)(a, b)
# Total variation
@inline eval_op(::TotalVariation, ai, bi) = abs(ai - bi)
eval_end(::TotalVariation, s) = s / 2
totalvariation(a, b) = TotalVariation()(a, b)
const totalvariation = TotalVariation()

# Chebyshev
@inline eval_op(::Chebyshev, ai, bi) = abs(ai - bi)
@inline eval_reduce(::Chebyshev, s1, s2) = max(s1, s2)
# if only NaN, will output NaN
Base.@propagate_inbounds eval_start(::Chebyshev, a, b) = abs(first(a) - first(b))
chebyshev(a, b) = Chebyshev()(a, b)
const chebyshev = Chebyshev()

# Minkowski
@inline eval_op(dist::Minkowski, ai, bi) = abs(ai - bi)^dist.p
Expand All @@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ wminkowski(a, b, w, p::Real) = WeightedMinkowski(w, p)(a, b)
result_type(::Hamming, ::Type, ::Type) = Int # fallback for Hamming
eval_start(d::Hamming, a, b) = 0
@inline eval_op(::Hamming, ai, bi) = ai != bi ? 1 : 0
hamming(a, b) = Hamming()(a, b)
const hamming = Hamming()

# WeightedHamming
@inline eval_op(::WeightedHamming, ai, bi, wi) = ai != bi ? wi : zero(eltype(wi))
Expand All @@ -409,27 +409,27 @@ function eval_end(::CosineDist, s)
ab, a2, b2 = s
max(1 - ab / (sqrt(a2) * sqrt(b2)), 0)
cosine_dist(a, b) = CosineDist()(a, b)
const cosine_dist = CosineDist()

# CorrDist
_centralize(x) = x .- mean(x)
(::CorrDist)(a, b) = CosineDist()(_centralize(a), _centralize(b))
(::CorrDist)(a::Number, b::Number) = CosineDist()(zero(mean(a)), zero(mean(b)))
corr_dist(a, b) = CorrDist()(a, b)
const corr_dist = CorrDist()

# ChiSqDist
@inline eval_op(::ChiSqDist, ai, bi) = (d = abs2(ai - bi) / (ai + bi); ifelse(ai != bi, d, zero(d)))
chisq_dist(a, b) = ChiSqDist()(a, b)
const chisq_dist = ChiSqDist()

# KLDivergence
@inline eval_op(dist::KLDivergence, ai, bi) =
ai > 0 ? ai * log(ai / bi) : zero(eval_op(dist, oneunit(ai), bi))
kl_divergence(a, b) = KLDivergence()(a, b)
const kl_divergence = KLDivergence()

# GenKLDivergence
@inline eval_op(dist::GenKLDivergence, ai, bi) =
ai > 0 ? ai * log(ai / bi) - ai + bi : oftype(eval_op(dist, oneunit(ai), bi), bi)
gkl_divergence(a, b) = GenKLDivergence()(a, b)
const gkl_divergence = GenKLDivergence()

# RenyiDivergence
Base.@propagate_inbounds function eval_start(::RenyiDivergence, a, b)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ end
tu = u > 0 ? u * log(u) : zero(log(one(T)))
ta + tb - tu
js_divergence(a, b) = JSDivergence()(a, b)
const js_divergence = JSDivergence()

# SpanNormDist

Expand All @@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ end

eval_end(::SpanNormDist, s) = s[2] - s[1]
(::SpanNormDist)(a::Number, b::Number) = zero(promote_type(typeof(a), typeof(b)))
spannorm_dist(a, b) = SpanNormDist()(a, b)
const spannorm_dist = SpanNormDist()

# Jaccard

Expand All @@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ end
@inbounds v = 1 - (a[1] / a[2])
return v
jaccard(a, b) = Jaccard()(a, b)
const jaccard = Jaccard()

# BrayCurtis

Expand All @@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ end
@inbounds v = a[1] / a[2]
return v
braycurtis(a, b) = BrayCurtis()(a, b)
const braycurtis = BrayCurtis()

# Tanimoto

Expand All @@ -583,24 +583,24 @@ end
@inbounds denominator = a[1] + a[4] + 2(a[2] + a[3])
numerator / denominator
rogerstanimoto(a, b) = RogersTanimoto()(a, b)
const rogerstanimoto = RogersTanimoto()

# Deviations

(::MeanAbsDeviation)(a, b) = cityblock(a, b) / length(a)
meanad(a, b) = MeanAbsDeviation()(a, b)
const meanad = MeanAbsDeviation()

(::MeanSqDeviation)(a, b) = sqeuclidean(a, b) / length(a)
msd(a, b) = MeanSqDeviation()(a, b)
const msd = MeanSqDeviation()

(::RMSDeviation)(a, b) = sqrt(MeanSqDeviation()(a, b))
rmsd(a, b) = RMSDeviation()(a, b)
const rmsd = RMSDeviation()

function (::NormRMSDeviation)(a, b)
amin, amax = extrema(a)
return RMSDeviation()(a, b) / (amax - amin)
nrmsd(a, b) = NormRMSDeviation()(a, b)
const nrmsd = NormRMSDeviation()

Expand Down
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions test/test_dists.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -517,31 +517,50 @@ end

test_colwise(SqEuclidean(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(sqeuclidean, X, Y, T)
test_colwise(Euclidean(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(euclidean, X, Y, T)
test_colwise(Cityblock(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(cityblock, X, Y, T)
test_colwise(TotalVariation(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(totalvariation, X, Y, T)
test_colwise(Chebyshev(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(chebyshev, X, Y, T)
test_colwise(Minkowski(2.5), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(Hamming(), A, B, T)
test_colwise(hamming, A, B, T)
test_colwise(Bregman(x -> sqeuclidean(x, zero(x)), x -> 2*x), X, Y, T);

test_colwise(CosineDist(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(cosine_dist, X, Y, T)
test_colwise(CorrDist(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(corr_dist, X, Y, T)

test_colwise(ChiSqDist(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(chisq_dist, X, Y, T)
test_colwise(KLDivergence(), P, Q, T)
test_colwise(kl_divergence, P, Q, T)
test_colwise(GenKLDivergence(), P, Q, T)
test_colwise(gkl_divergence, P, Q, T)
test_colwise(RenyiDivergence(0.0), P, Q, T)
test_colwise(RenyiDivergence(1.0), P, Q, T)
test_colwise(RenyiDivergence(Inf), P, Q, T)
test_colwise(RenyiDivergence(0.5), P, Q, T)
test_colwise(RenyiDivergence(2), P, Q, T)
test_colwise(RenyiDivergence(10), P, Q, T)
test_colwise(JSDivergence(), P, Q, T)
test_colwise(js_divergence, P, Q, T)
test_colwise(SpanNormDist(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(spannorm_dist, X, Y, T)

test_colwise(BhattacharyyaDist(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(bhattacharyya, X, Y, T)
test_colwise(HellingerDist(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(hellinger, X, Y, T)
test_colwise(BrayCurtis(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(braycurtis, X, Y, T)
test_colwise(Jaccard(), X, Y, T)
test_colwise(jaccard, X, Y, T)

w = rand(T, m)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -602,29 +621,50 @@ end
Q = rand(T, m, ny)

test_pairwise(SqEuclidean(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(sqeuclidean, X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(Euclidean(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(euclidean, X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(Cityblock(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(cityblock, X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(TotalVariation(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(totalvariation, X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(Chebyshev(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(chebyshev, X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(Minkowski(2.5), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(Hamming(), A, B, T)
test_pairwise(hamming, A, B, T)

test_pairwise(CosineDist(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(cosine_dist, X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(CosineDist(), A, B, T)
test_pairwise(cosine_dist, A, B, T)
test_pairwise(CorrDist(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(corr_dist, X, Y, T)

test_pairwise(ChiSqDist(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(chisq_dist, X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(KLDivergence(), P, Q, T)
test_pairwise(kl_divergence, P, Q, T)
test_pairwise(GenKLDivergence(), P, Q, T)
test_pairwise(gkl_divergence, P, Q, T)
test_pairwise(RenyiDivergence(0.0), P, Q, T)
test_pairwise(RenyiDivergence(1.0), P, Q, T)
test_pairwise(RenyiDivergence(Inf), P, Q, T)
test_pairwise(RenyiDivergence(0.5), P, Q, T)
test_pairwise(RenyiDivergence(2), P, Q, T)
test_pairwise(JSDivergence(), P, Q, T)
test_pairwise(js_divergence, P, Q, T)
test_pairwise(SpanNormDist(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(spannorm_dist, X, Y, T)

test_pairwise(BhattacharyyaDist(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(bhattacharyya, X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(HellingerDist(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(hellinger, X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(BrayCurtis(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(braycurtis, X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(Jaccard(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(jaccard, X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(Bregman(x -> sqeuclidean(x, zero(x)), x -> 2*x), X, Y, T)

w = rand(m)
Expand All @@ -648,6 +688,7 @@ end
Y = rand(T, m, ny)
test_pairwise(Haversine(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(SphericalAngle(), X, Y, T)
test_pairwise(spherical_angle, X, Y, T)

@testset "pairwise metrics on complex arrays" begin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -691,18 +732,30 @@ end
a = rand(1:3, nx)
b = rand(1:3, ny)
test_scalar_pairwise(SqEuclidean(), x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(sqeuclidean, x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(Euclidean(), x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(euclidean, x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(Cityblock(), x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(cityblock, x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(TotalVariation(), x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(totalvariation, x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(Chebyshev(), x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(chebyshev, x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(Minkowski(2.5), x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(Hamming(), a, b, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(hamming, a, b, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(CosineDist(), x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(cosine_dist, x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(CosineDist(), a, b, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(cosine_dist, a, b, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(ChiSqDist(), x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(chisq_dist, x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(KLDivergence(), x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(kl_divergence, x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(JSDivergence(), x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(js_divergence, x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(BrayCurtis(), x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(braycurtis, x, y, T)
w = rand(1, 1)
test_scalar_pairwise(WeightedSqEuclidean(w), x, y, T)
test_scalar_pairwise(WeightedEuclidean(w), x, y, T)
Expand All @@ -726,9 +779,13 @@ end
X = [0.3 0.3 + eps()]

@test all(x -> x >= 0, pairwise(SqEuclidean(), X; dims = 2))
@test all(x -> x >= 0, pairwise(sqeuclidean, X; dims = 2))
@test all(x -> x >= 0, pairwise(SqEuclidean(), X, X; dims = 2))
@test all(x -> x >= 0, pairwise(sqeuclidean, X, X; dims = 2))
@test all(x -> x >= 0, pairwise(Euclidean(), X; dims = 2))
@test all(x -> x >= 0, pairwise(euclidean, X; dims = 2))
@test all(x -> x >= 0, pairwise(Euclidean(), X, X; dims = 2))
@test all(x -> x >= 0, pairwise(euclidean, X, X; dims = 2))
@test all(x -> x >= 0, pairwise(WeightedSqEuclidean([1.0]), X; dims = 2))
@test all(x -> x >= 0, pairwise(WeightedSqEuclidean([1.0]), X, X; dims = 2))
@test all(x -> x >= 0, pairwise(SqMahalanobis(ones(1, 1)), X; dims = 2))
Expand Down

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