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freeCode Camp API and Microservices Challenges

Projects & Microservices Challenges

  • Timestamp Microservice
  • Request Header Parser Microservice
  • URL Shortner Microservice
  • Excercise Tracker
  • File Metadata Microservice

API Project: Timestamp Microservice for FCC

User stories :

  1. The API endpoint is GET [project_url]/api/timestamp/:date_string?
  2. A date string is valid if can be successfully parsed by new Date(date_string) (JS) . Note that the unix timestamp needs to be an integer (not a string) specifying milliseconds. In our test we will use date strings compliant with ISO-8601 (e.g. "2016-11-20") because this will ensure an UTC timestamp.
  3. If the date string is empty it should be equivalent to trigger new Date(), i.e. the service uses the current timestamp.
  4. If the date string is valid the api returns a JSON having the structure {"unix": <date.getTime()>, "utc" : <date.toUTCString()> } e.g. {"unix": 1479663089000 ,"utc": "Sun, 20 Nov 2016 17:31:29 GMT"}.
  5. If the date string is invalid the api returns a JSON having the structure {"unix": null, "utc" : "Invalid Date" }. It is what you get from the date manipulation functions used above.

Example usage:

Example output:

  • { "unix": 1450137600, "natural": "December 15, 2015" }

API Project: Request Header Parser Microservice for freeCodeCamp

User Stories :

  1. I can get the IP address, preferred langauges (from header Accept-Languag) and system infos(from header User-Agent) fro my device

Example Usage:

  • [base_url]/api/whoami

Example Output:

  • {"ipaddress":"","language":"en-US,en;q=0.5","software":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0"}

API Project: URL Shortner Microservice for freeCodeCamp

User Stories

  1. I can POST a URL to [project_url]/api/shorturl/new and I will recieve a shortened URL in the JSON Response. Example: {"original_url": "", "short_url": 1}
  2. If I pass an invalid URL that doesn't follow the valid http(s):// format, the JSON response will contain an error like {"error": "invalid URL"}. Hint: to be sure that the submitted url points to avalid sit you can use the function dns.lookup(host, cb) from the dns core module.
  3. When I visit the shortened URL, it will redirect me to my original link.

Creation Example

POST [project_url]/api/shorturl/new - body (urlencoded) : url=[]



Will redirect to:

API Project: Excercise Tracker REST API

A microservice project, part of Free Code Camp's curriculum

User Stories

  1. I can create a user by posting form data username to /api/exercise/new-user and returned will be an object with username and _id.
  2. I can get an array of all users by getting api/exercise/users with the same info as when creating a user.
  3. I can add an exercise to any user by posting form data userId(_id), description, duration, and optionally date to /api/exercise/add. If no date supplied it will use current date. Returned will the the user object with also with the exercise fields added.
  4. I can retrieve a full exercise log of any user by getting /api/exercise/log with a parameter of userId(_id). Return will be the user object with added array log and count (total exercise count).
  5. I can retrieve part of the log of any user by also passing along optional parameters of from & to or limit. (Date format yyyy-mm-dd, limit = int)

API Project: File Metadata Microservice for freeCodeCamp

User stories:

  1. I can submit a form that includes a file upload.
  2. The form file input field has the "name" attribute set to "upfile". We rely on this in testing.
  3. When I submit something, I will recieve the file name and size in bytes within the JSON response.


  • Go to the main page, and upload a file using the provided form.


  • To handle the file uploading you should use the multer NPM package.


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