🎉 This project was completed with a perfect score of 125/100 and received the Outstanding Project award at École 42 Lyon!
A Wolfenstein 3D like game, using the miniLibx a simple X-Window (X11R6) programming API in C, designed for students
git clone git@github.com:Louisa4124/Cub3d.git && cd Cub3d && make
For bonus part libxfixes-dev is required
sudo apt-get install libxfixes-dev -y
make bonus
- Different texture based on wall orientation
- POV (Point Of View) deplacement with WASD key
- POV z-rotation with ← and →
- Parsing of .cub map
- Color of floor and ceilling
- True 3D engine (also implemented in mandatory)
- Collision with wall (also implemented in mandatory)
- Jump and walk effect
- Floor texture
- POV x-rotation with ↑ and ↓
- All smooth POV rotation with mouse
- Animated sprites in game
- Darkness
- Blur
- Doors
- Menus
- Multithreading
At program start we create a thread pool, and a job queue. For each task needing parallelism, we can use the job queue, by creating job, pushing them to queue and then signal the semaphore. For example each frame is sliced in several (16 by default) area and a job is created with the area and the render function to apply. Thread start waiting on a semaphore, when semaphore is signaled, thread acquire the next job and apply the job's function to the job's data.
- grass from
256x256 pixel textures pack 2
by FlakDeau on itch.io - barricades from
isometric props and tents
by rubberduck on opengameart