The sc2xmlreader
allows to query the XML data interface of the solvis remote extension of a Solvis Heating system with a
solvis control 2 board. The XML Interface provides a read-only access. Controlling the heating system is not possible.
SC2XMLReader returns the data and states of the Solvis Heating device. The xml-file is public and can be retrieved via http:///sc2_val.xml
When querying this interface remote will return something like:
the returned payload data has a length of 439 Bytes in an coded format. At this point, many thanks to all the other persons that have decoded this format in the past and shared their insights.
To verify your hostname and user credentials and get the correct url:
from sc2xmlreader.sc2xmlreader_validator import SC2XMLReaderValidator
my_sc2_credential_validator = SC2XMLReaderValidate("hostname", "username", "password")
except ConnectionError as err:
# my be the hostname / ip is not correct
except AuthenticationError as err:
# my be the hostname / ip is not correct
correct_url = my_sc2_credential_validator.url
To query data from solvis remote:
from sc2xmlreader.sc2xmlreader import SC2XMLReader
my_sc2_reader = SC2XMLReader(correct_url, "username", "password")
the_solar_power =["solar_power"]
except ConnectionError as err:
# may be the hostname / ip is not correct
- Alle kinds of exceptions from "requests" package
- ConnectionError - hostname wrong or solvis remote does not answer as expected
- AuthenticationError - User and/or password incorrect
Before being able to use the integration, you have to own a solvis remote device and have it attached, configured and available in your network. To retrieve the xml interface, a username and password must be provided.
The following sensors are available in the data:
key | name | Unit | Description |
time | last_update | Timestamp of latest data update. | |
Z4 | runtime_solar_pump | h | Total output runtime of the solar pump. |
SL | solar_power | W | Current solar power from the solar panels. |
S7 | solar_pressure | bar | Current pressure in the solar pipes. |
SE | solar_yield | kWh | Total yield of the solar panels to the heating system |
S1 | temperature_buffer_top | °C | current temperature in the buffer top |
S3 | temperature_buffer_reference | °C | current reference temperature in the buffer |
S4 | temperature_H_buffer_top | °C | current temperature in the heating buffer top |
S9 | temperature_H_buffer_bottom | °C | current temperature in the heating buffer bottom |
S2 | temperature_warm_water_station | °C | current temperature warm water station |
S11 | temperature_circulation | °C | current temperature warm water circulation |
S12 | temperature_heating_circuit_1_flow | °C | current flow temperature heating circuit 1 |
S13 | temperature_heating_circuit_2_flow | °C | current flow temperature heating circuit 2 |
S10 | temperature_outside | °C | current temperature out the building |
S5 | temperature_solar_flow | °C | current flow temperature of solar heating |
S8 | temperature_solar_panel | °C | current temperature on the solar panel(s) |
S16 | temperature_solar_panel2 | °C | current temperature on the solar2 panel(s) (if east/ west option) |
S16 | temperature_oven | °C | current temperature on the solar2 panel(s) (if oven option) |
S6 | temperature_solar_return | °C | current return temperature of solar heating |
S17 | volume_solar_pump | l/h | current volume of fluid stream in solar heating |
S18 | volume_warm_water | l/min | current volume of fluid stream in warm water station |
The following binary states are available in the data:
name | Description | |
A12 | burner | oil/gas burner started. |
A13 | burner_s2 | oil/gas s2 burner started |
A5 | circulation_pump | warm water circulation pump running |
A8 | heating_circuit_1_mixer_open | indicates that the heating circuit 1 increases the flow temperature |
A9 | heating_circuit_1_mixer_close | indicates that the heating circuit 1 decreases the flow temperature |
A3 | heating_circuit_1_pump | heating circuit 1 pump is running |
A10 | heating_circuit_2_mixer_open | indicates that the heating circuit 2 increases the flow temperature |
A11 | heating_circuit_2_mixer_close | indicates that the heating circuit 2 decreases the flow temperature |
A4 | heating_circuit_2_pump | heating circuit 2 pump is running |
A6 | heating_circuit_3_pump | heating circuit 3 pump is running |
A14 | recovery | recovery is active |
A1 | solar_pump | solar pump is active |
A7 | solar_pump_2 | second solar pump is active |
A2 | warm_water_station_pump | warm water station pump is started |
Solvis is a registered trademark of Solvis GmbH, Braunschweig (