hapi MongoDB Session Storage
npm install hapi-session-mongo
All login functions now take a user object as follows {'name': username, 'pwd': password}
loginLocal and loginGithub now take a object that will be the information sealed in the cookie.
Say you have a user document:
'_id': 'username',
'local': {
'name': 'username',
'pwd': 'supersecretpassword'
'data': {
'firstn': 'John',
'lastn': 'Doe',
'phone': '012-345-6789',
'email': 'jdoe@test.com'
and you want to seal name, firstn, and email in the cookie you can create a object:
var seal = {
'username': 'local.name',
'name': 'data.firstn',
'email': 'data.email'
the keys can be anything you want to refer to the data by, where the value should be the string literal of the data in the user document. If seal is not passed cookie will just seal username.
A session store plugin for hapi and MongoDB. Must have database already set up with one user that has readWrite role. All other users in database are just for the challenge-response mechanism and require no roles. Requires options:
- The IP address of the database. Defaults to127.0.0.1
- The port number of the database. Defaults to27017
- The name of the database. Defaults totest
- The name of the user with readWrite. Defaults toundefined
- The password of the user with readWrite, also signs Iron cookie. Defaults toundefined
- MongoDB ssl. Defaults tofalse
- Time-to-live for Iron cookie. Defaults to0
Also exports functions:
user.loginCr(user, callback)
- Challenge-response user. Callback is (err, cookie).user.loginLocal(user, seal, callback)
- User stored as a document. Callback is (err, cookie). Requires a schema of{_id: username, local: {name: username, pwd: password}}
. Password must be stored with bcrypt.user.loginGithub(user, seal, callback)
- User stored as a document for Github OAuth. Callback is (err, cookie). Requires a schema of{_id: username, github: {name: username, pwd: token}}
- Called with login to set server state.user.get(session, callback)
- Session is cookie. Callback is (err, valid). to be called with thevalidateFunc
.user.logout = function(cookie, callback)
- Callback is (err, removed).req.auth.session.clear()
- Called with logout to clear server state.
During the server.auth.strategy
phase validateFunc(session, callback)
is required.
Example set up:
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var server = Hapi.createServer('', 3000);
plugin: require('hapi-session-mongo'),
options: {
db: 'users',
name: 'sessionHandler',
pwd: 'supersecretpassword',
ssl: true
}, function (err) {
if (err) { console.log(err); };
server.auth.strategy('session', 'mongo', {
validateFunc: function(session, callback) {
server.plugins['hapi-session-mongo'].user.get(session, function(err, valid) {
return callback(err, valid);
method: 'POST',
path: '/logincr',
handler: function (req, res) {
server.plugins['hapi-session-mongo'].user.loginCr({'name': req.payload.username,
'pwd': req.payload.password}, function(err, logged) {
if (err) {
res('Invalid name or password');
method: 'POST',
path: '/loginlocal',
handler: function (req, res) {
var user = {
'name': req.payload.username,
'pwd': req.payload.password
var seal = {
'username': 'local.name',
'name': 'data.firstn',
'email': 'data.email'
server.plugins['hapi-session-mongo'].user.loginLocal(user, seal, function(err, logged) {
if (err) {
res('Invalid name or password');
method: 'GET',
path: '/home',
config: {
handler: function(req, res) {
res('You are now logged in');
auth: 'session'
method: 'GET',
path: '/logout',
config: {
handler: function(req, res) {
function(err, removed) {
if (err) {
res('logged out');
auth: 'session'
MongoDB 2.2 and above supports doing this via an index, see http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/expire-data/ To enable this, run
db.sessions.ensureIndex( { "createdAt": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 3600 } )
Mongo will now remove all sessions older than an hour (every 60 seconds).
Tests are ran using npm test and require the env variables:
with optional env variables:
If testing on travis you can edit the env variables in .travis.yml and edit your mongodb setup under ./tests/setup.sh.