#Daily Planner A simple webapp( list of To Do tasks). This simple web page was built using webpack and served by a webpack dev server.
In this project I implemented the following functionalities:: -Adding a new item. -Removing a selected item. -Marking a selected item as complete. -Removing all items marked as complete at once.
- HTML, CSS -Es6 Modules
-Github flow knowledge. -Basic CSS and HTML. -Installation of files. -ES6
-To clone the repository run [https://github.com/NATASHA-ct/To-Do-list-webapp.git]
in your terminal
-Set up Github Actions -Set up linter > Lighthouse , Webhint ,Stylelint , -Added Eslint -Add webpack
- GitHub: [@NATASHA-ct]((https://github.com/NATASHA-ct)
- Twitter: [@NatashaChirombe]
- LinkedIn: Natasha Chirombe