vote optimizes the election
Digital voting system for Abakus' general assembly, built using the MEAN-stack (mongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js). Relevant (Norwegian) blog post:
vote assumes you have a MongoDB-server running on mongodb://localhost:27017/vote
. To change the URL, export MONGO_URL
as an environment variable.
$ git clone
$ cd vote
$ yarn
$ ./bin/users create-admin <username> <cardKey>
vote uses a RFID-reader to register and activate/deactivate users. This is done to make sure that only people that are at the location can vote. To access the RFID-reader vote is also packed as a Chrome-app, in the ./chrome-app
$ yarn start
$ yarn build
$ NODE_ENV=production yarn start
vote uses mocha for the backend tests and cucumber.js/protractor for the frontend tests. To run them all you can do:
$ yarn test
MIT © webkom, Abakus Linjeforening