I'm an obsessive compulsive and I like to make things good. I buy way too much stuff and I don't want to waste it. So I decided to make a good project. This is a project where I can add stuff I buy for my own use. For my office. To see how much money I actually waste.
Was thinking I could put this on a website, enable account creation amd then make people able to do this stuff for free, consolidated.. I don't know. But for now, it's free here on GitHub for you all to use on your own servers/hosting.
One rule. It needs to be on a subdomain called "goods". IE: https://goods.example.com
Here's a copy of the latest build folder: https://goods.reizoko.jp/
Build the project with npm install
Start the project with npm start
If you're not interested in building your own project, you can just use the build
folder and throw that on your server (after you've added you own content of course).
Why not?
Filter is just based of data-attributes. Very easy. Easy peacey easy.
The search is done with a simple javascript. It's not a search engine. It's just a search box. I'm not sure if I should call it a search engine or not. But it's a search box. I'm not the best at jQuery and AJAX, so take this with a grain of salt please.
If you use images with white background, the CSS will make them look like they have a no background. Good eh? smile No need for big PNG images.. but I guess you're one of the cool kids that uses .webp images.
.scss with some home made mixins. Enjoy and move them to your own project if you want.