Releases: ProspectPyxis/sq-32
Releases · ProspectPyxis/sq-32
- Moves can now be undone on the Game instance
- AI module with random AI implemented
command to order the AI to make a moveauto\_go
config option to have the AI go immediately on its turn- Functions and commands to get the FEN and partial PDN of a game
move history
function and command to get previous moves made in the gamemove undo
function and command to undo previous movesrewind
function and command to get a board's previous stateexit
command to safely exit the bot
- Fixed a bug where pieces won't promote properly at the end of a capture chain
- Major refactoring, fix most clippy style errors
To see the full changelog of every version prior to this one, see
- New board module
- Function to set pieces on the board one by one
- Function to set the board based on a draughts FEN string
- Functions to fetch/make moves on board
- Game struct to hold all game data
- Game can check winners/losers
- Command line interface for interacting with the game
To see the full changelog of every version prior to this one, see