This repository is an open-source fork of TemporalX's command line client, with all server functionality remove. It provides a feature complete CLI client for using all TemporalX functionality, and can also help you to build other applicatinos ontop of the gRPC API.
to build a copy of this locally you'll need go 1.13+, and have downloaded all the dependencies using go mod download
. After you can then built the cli tool with a simple make
To get an overview you can simply invoke the binary with tex-cli
which should display output similar to:
tex-cli - TemporalX command-line management tool
tex-cli [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
Alex Trottier <>
George Xie <>
client gRPC client subcommands
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--bootstrap, --bp bootstrap against public ipfs (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
You can then access all client commands with tex-cli client
which should display the following output:
tex-cli client - gRPC client subcommands
tex-cli client command [command options] [arguments...]
Enables access to a rich gRPC client library
node node management commands
file file upload/download commands
extras node extras management
pubsub pubsub commands
namesys namesys commands
keystore keystore commands
api low level api maintenance commands
admin admin commands
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--endpoint.address value, --ea value temporalx endpoint address (default: "")
--insecure enable insecure connections to temporalx (default: true)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
If you want to upload a file to the public TemporalX endpoint you can do:
$> tex-cli client --ea file upload --fn /path/to/file
So for example lets upload the binary itself (this will require having put the tex-cli
in to your $PATH
env variable):
$> tex-cli client --ea file upload --fn $(which tex-cli)
hash of file: bafybeihqruaz4k3iux43vysporzcpgpkkqihnavm3zxwcj7o5zgbqgu77a
Alternatively if you want to view the progress on your upload:
$> tex-cli client --ea file upload --fn tex-cli --pp
100% |████████████████████████████████████████| [2s:0s]
hash of file: bafybeihqruaz4k3iux43vysporzcpgpkkqihnavm3zxwcj7o5zgbqgu77a
Create a subscription for a topic
$> tex-cli client --ea pubsub subscribe --topic foobar
Now in another window publish to the topic:
$> tex-cli client --ea pubsub publish --topic foobar --data helloworld
Now in the other window you should see something like
$> tex-cli client --ea pubsub subscribe --topic foobar
We support the following keys:
- rsa
- ecdsa
- edd2519
$> tex-cli client --ea keystore create foobar2 --key.type ecdsa
key peer id: QmXQBzH9s7MhWdjX5DrXDNb347R1bX1FZAqe3Hds7jLxK6
Note if the above complains about being unable to overwrite the key, that is to be expected as the publicly available instance is shared by many.
To publish an ipns record you can do the following (note this will take up to 1 -> 1.5 minutes to complete)
$> tex-cli client --ea namesys publish foobar2 --cid /ipfs/bafybeihqruaz4k3iux43vysporzcpgpkkqihnavm3zxwcj7o5zgbqgu77a
Then to resolve it you can run (note: the --cid parameter denotes the ipns peerid, which in this care is the peerID of the "foobar2" key we created)
$> tex-cli client --ea namesys resolve --cid /ipns/QmXQBzH9s7MhWdjX5DrXDNb347R1bX1FZAqe3Hds7jLxK6
path: /ipfs/bafybeihqruaz4k3iux43vysporzcpgpkkqihnavm3zxwcj7o5zgbqgu77a
And presto, instant resolution serving the record from cache, not even the go-ipfs IPNS cache is this good ;)
You can also resolve ENS names:
$> tex-cli client --ea namesys resolve --cid /ipns/bonedaddy.eth
path: /ipfs/QmYcCTD51v8KsFGn724BSDv2fYCqAVrv8f6sCaU59VDwLs