clone the repo
create a virtual environment using pipenv, e.g.,
$ pipenv install
or create a virtualenv using mkvirtualenv, e.g.,
$ mkvirtualenv quizme
activate the virtualenv, e.g.,
$ pipenv shell
or using virtualenv:
$ workon quizme
If using virtualenv instead of pipenv, install the required packages in the virtualenv, e.g.,
$ pip install --requirement requirements.txt
install and run postgresql (if using postgresql); e.g., on OSX,
$ brew install postgresql (or "brew update")
brew info postgresql
to see how to start/stop) (if errors, considerbrew reinstall postgresql
) -
start postgres; e.g., on OSX,
$ launchctl list | grep postgres # see if launchctl knows about postgres, and if so, what the last exit status is $ brew services list # list all running services, and see if postgresql is there $ brew services stop postgresql
create a postgres database, e.g.,
$ createdb quizme
(note that the database name "quizme" is a setting in
) -
create a postgres user:
$ createuser quizme
$ psql --command="CREATE USER quizme"
Test it:
$ psql --user=quizme quizme
load existing data into database, or start with an empty database:
$ DB_QUIZME=my_db_name ./manage.py syncdb $ DB_QUIZME=my_db_name ./manage.py migrate
create a superuser
$ DB_QUIZME=my_db_name ./manage.py createsuperuser --email my_user@my_domain.com
DB_QUIZME=':memory:' QM_ENGINE=sqlite python -m pytest -v --maxfail=1
./manage.py runserver
./manage.py makemigrations questions
I got some docker containers setup for with the intent of making local testing easier. In order to use it, you need to install docker and docker-compose, which is a util for managing sets of docker containers.
There are two config files involved with the docker testing containers:
The Django database settings also need to be modified. The best way to do that is by adding a local_settings.py
file to the project's root directory with the following content:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'postgres',
'USER': 'postgres',
'HOST': 'db',
'PORT': 5432,
In order to get docker running the following commands need to be run from this project's root directory:
$ docker-compose up
$ docker-compose run web DB_QUIZME=my_db_name python manage.py syncdb
$ docker-compose run web DB_QUIZME=my_db_name python manage.py migrate
Django, Docker, and Pdb don't play well together. In order to set a stack trace inside some app code run docker-compose like so:
$ docker-compose run --service-ports web
I'm far from an expert on Docker in particular or containers in general. If something happens with a container and I don't know how to fix it I go nuclear, and then recreate everything. This command will stop and remove all containers.
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
- merge commits
All branch merges must have a merge commit (to make it clear when the branch changed), as opposed to a rebase, where there's no record of the rebase in git history. - merge commit message details
- The following labels should be used to indicate what the commit does:
- For CHANGE commits, the message must include:
- For FIX commits, the message must include:
- ISSUE (include what the user sees, error text, etc.)
- FIX (what the fix is)
- BEHAVIOR (what the change in behavior is)
- For NEW commits, the message must include:
- BEHAVIOR: what difference in behavior the user will see
- Note that BEHAVIOR descriptions should minimally be from the user's point of view (and optionally from the developer's point of view)
- The following labels should be used to indicate what the commit does:
- manual testing for PR -- each branch to be merged must have all manual tests run
- manual test log -- manual testing for each branch or commit must be logged in TESTING.md
- PEP8 --code style must adhere to PEP8; PEP8 diversions are specified in tox.ini
- granular commits
All commits should be granular, e.g., a single (CHANGE, COMMENT, FIX, NEW, REFACTOR).
e.g., a single commit should not contain both fixes and features. - view *.md changes before merging
If changes are made to a markdown file (e.g., README.md), those changes should be viewed in a markdown editor (preferably github) before merging, to confirm that the formatting is correct.grip
(brew install grip
) is a good utility for doing this. - update README.md
Update README.md accordingly, including:
- TODO section -- remove corresponding item(s) if they have been implemented in this commit
- maybe capture percentage of correctness and time since last seen
- I ask myself: when do I want to see this again?
- I ask myself: how long before I think I will forget this?
- consider assigning an importance to each question; distinguish between how important it is to me, and when I think I will forget it; don't mix the two together
User > QuestionTag's > Question's > Schedule's > Schedule.date_added
Want: most recently-added Schedule for each Question for the specified User To get latest Schedule's, need Question's and User To get Question's, need QuestionTags -- need tags and user
Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27544223/django-query-filter-many-to-many-to-many-etc Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3630619/django-queryset-for-many-to-many-field
Data structure to process schedules: questions2schedules[question_id] == latest_schedule
Iterate through questions for each tag: for tag in tags: questions = ... questions.annotate(newest_date_added) for question in questions: tag2periods...
Resulting data structure:
tag2periods['python']['now-10m'] = 4
^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^
tag period num_questions
Consider using the Max(pk) to get the latest-added schedule.
Note that a question with multiple tags will still only have one schedule, because the schedule is per user per question.
Q: How do I find the most-recently-added schedule of each question (datetime_added)? A: I have the queryset of questions. Get the code working first, then worry about performance. Easier to just ask on stackoverflow with existing code.
Table names
answer - answers to questions
attempt - one question can have many attempts per user
fields: attempt.datetime_added - added, added_ts, when, when_added, ts_added, dt_added, *created
attempt.datetime_updated - when_updated, *updated attempt.attempt attempt.text - the text the user typed in; body; corpus; paragraph; clob; stanza; input; representation
brainstorming alternative names: trial? answer? given_answer? user_answer (vs correct_answer) in_answer (incoming answer)
hint - a hint for a question toward the answer
ignore - ignore a question; never show it (alternative: hide)
question - a question table
questiontag - question id, get a representation of tags; junction table; one-to-many; find out what tags a given question has
quiz - a set of tags, number of questions, options, ...
quiztag - many-to-many; quiz_id, tag_id
?review? (verb) - term for the act of using the program, of quizzing oneself, of reviewing flashcards
schedule - for a question, the next time to ask that question again
Alternatives: next_time_to_ask future when ask_again_time / ts / date / datetime appointment / future_appointment scheduled_at feedback output response Could response and schedule go together in the same table? interval_unit -- interval_value, interval
tag - an arbitrary symbol associated with a question
TODO: see if tables can be renamed in Django (eliminate the "questions_" prefix)
Initial Glossary
- answer - the "correct" answer associated with a question; a question can have 0 or 1 answers
- attempt - a user's single attempt to answer a question; it is the user's guess as to the answer
- hint - a hint for a question and answer (not yet implemented)
- schedule - when the user wants to see a question again
- question - a question
- quiz - a set of associated questions (not yet implemented)
- quiz - the name of the main Django app
- tag - a tag associated with a question; a question can have 0 to many tags
- user tag - the tags that a user has selected indicating which questions they want to see
Tests to add:
- 12/27/14 add a test where there are no questions for whatever tags are selected, but selecting a different tag causes a question to be shown
QuizMe notes can be found in these places:
- here (git repo /README)
- notebooks
- Portland Python quiz program (~/bin/learn/quiz.python/quiz.py)
The rest of this file was moved from bin/learn/quiz.python/db/db_app_designs 9/16/13
Code: Dropbox/git/quizme_site
question_next - ready (just a redirect to question) question - shows a question with a form to input an attempt GET - show the question and an empty for for an attempt POST - post a new attempt answer - shows the question, attempt, and answer, and a form to input a schedule GET - show the question, attempt, and answer POST - create a new schedule; redirect to question_next
Start request | Start template | User Action | End Request | End template |
(none) | (none) | user goes into quiz for the first time | GET /show_question/ | show_question.html |
GET /show_question/ show_question.html user answers a question POST /show_question/ show_question_and_answer.html POST /show_question/ show_question_and_answer.html user clicks GET /show_question/ show_question.html
GET | /question/ | question.html |
POST | /question/ |
- ask/show question (GET question)
- submit answer (POST question) (really POSTing an attempt)
- schedule question for next time (GET answer) (really GETting a specific attempt along with answer)
- submit answer feedback (POST answer) (really POSTing a schedule)
- question has no schedule
- question has schedule with no interval
USE_TZ = True
in the settings.py file, so time zone support is enabled. Times are stored as UTC.
To get the current time in UTC, use:
from django.utils import timezone
now = timezone.now()
Note that:
>>> naive = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
>>> aware = timezone.now()
utcnow() is naive.
See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/topics/i18n/timezones/
Q: How to make a backup of the database?
make dumpdb
This creates dumps in 2 different formats (plain and custom) and puts them in the db_dumps subdir with a datestamp on them, e.g.,
-rw-r--r-- 1 rob staff 244938 Sep 26 17:26 dump.quizme.2014.09.26_Fri_17.26.21.plain
-rw-r--r-- 1 rob staff 125248 Sep 26 17:26 dump.quizme.2014.09.26_Fri_17.26.21.custom
Q: How to restore from a backup?
make loaddb
This will create two databases named "restore_quizme_custom" and "restore_quizme_plain" and load the dumps. They should each be identical, as the plain and custom dumps should each have the same data.
Q: How to restore a database manually?
psql --dbname=postgres --command="DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${DB_NAME_RESTORE_CUSTOM}"
psql --dbname=postgres --command="CREATE DATABASE ${DB_NAME_RESTORE_CUSTOM}"
# Create role (what does it need to be?)
psql --dbname=postgres --command="CREATE USER rob"
pg_restore --verbose --dbname=${DB_NAME_RESTORE_CUSTOM} ${FILE_DUMP_CUSTOM} >& /tmp/pg_restore.out
psql --dbname=postgres --command="ALTER DATABASE ${DB_NAME_RESTORE_CUSTOM} RENAME TO quizme_master"
To get webapp to connect to that db:
'NAME': 'restore_quizme_custom'
(NOTE: deprecate the Trello board and move the backlog items from https://trello.com/b/5WCzHwdo/quizme to here)
12.29.21 FEATURE show times of recent flashcards answered / marked seen (e.g., 10:05pm, 10:07pm, 10:15pm)
12.29.21 FEATURE import Anki decks
7.14.20 COMMENT README cleanup (get rid of Naming Ideas; check formatting; proofread whole file)
7.14.20 REFACTOR See if emailusername can be eliminated
7.14.20 UPGRADE See if I can easily move my quizme_product db data into a fresh db
7.12.20 BUG If there is no valid session, when going to /login/?next=/question/ , it gives a 404 error instead of going to the login screen (this seems to happen when switching between databases, I don't know why). WORKAROUND: navigate to the /admin page, it will prompt for login, login, and then you can access the question page
7.12.20 FEATURE consider a "frequency" field to indicate how often to see the flashcard (why? to show important/frequent cards that I want to see often, like daily, before other cards that are waiting to be seen before now) (e.g., show this card every 1 days, and if it hasn't been seen in the last day, then show it before other cards)
7.12.20 DEV_PROCESS update the release process to use github "releases" (why? to see release history, and see what was added when) (e.g., https://github.com/timmyomahony/django-pagedown/releases)
7.12.20 FEATURE prefill interval with values from previous schedule (why? to save time when reviewing)
7.12.20 FEATURE order by questions with answers first (why? to practice one's being learned)
7.12.20 FEATURE order by interval secs (amount of time scheduled to be seen again) (why? to practice what I am actively learning)
7/4/20, 3/28/15 allow a tree structure of tags, so that selecting a tag would select that and everything below it [suggested by Nev] (I discovered that I'm not reviewing as many flashcards because of not having this; e.g., select all non-software tags)
7/4/20 FEATURE: add db name to each web page
7/4/20 FEATURE: make question and answer editable while quizzing
7/4/20 FEATURE: optionally sort tags by date added, or just show the date added
6/24/20 FEATURE: when outputting dates, add the day-of-the-week, e.g. Tue June 23, 2020, 3:42 a.m.
6/24/20 FEATURE: add time_since_last_seen field to schedule, e.g., the amount of time (secs, and maybe human-readable, and maybe previous date seen) between this response and the last response
6/24/20 FEATURE: add option to sort questions by number of times answered
6/24/20 FEATURE: put question and response in a single page, with the answer collapsed
6/24/20 FEATURE: show questions ordered by importance
6/24/20 FEATURE: add option to show unanswered questions first/last
6/24/20 FEATURE: add favorite or "like" percentage value for responses; similar to importance, but more for enjoyment of the question; add option to show questions sorted by "like"
9/14/16 STYLE: in list of tags, change the color of the tag if the tag is selected, to make it clear which are selected
9/11/16 FEATURE: For the selected tags, show them one per line right under "Tags selected:", along with num_questions and time periods, as is shown in the next section with all the tags. As a user, I want to see these tags at the top and not have to hunt for them.
9/7/16 MODIFY: in the admin, modify it so that the width of the question/answer text isn't a single line and extremely wide
9/5/16 FEATURE: save the duration/interval to attempt table in the database; then show this duration for the answer, so the user can determine how well they did for the actual interval compared to the desired interval; also, consider adding query criteria for a quiz to say "show me all questions with an interval of less than 2 days"
9/5/16 FEATURE: for a quiz, make it possible to exclude questions with specified tags (e.g., quiz with all 'python' tags, except for questions that also contain the page 'web pages to review')
9/5/16 TEST: add tests for:
- num_questions (for each tag)
- each interval:
- -now
- 10m-1h
- 1h-1d
- 1d-1w
- 1w-1mo
- 1mo-1y
- unseen
7/1/15 FEATURE: in addition to tags, consider keywords
6/28/15 FEATURE: show how long (duration/interval) it has been between when we last answered the question and now; this will me when I answer determine how long I want to set the next interval (both question and answer pages)
6/2/15 BUG: I added a new question with tags=[file_systems, unix]; when I went to quiz myself with a bunch of tags selected, but neither [file_systems, unix], I still got that question; after I answered that question, I then got another question with those same tags
- it might be because the schedules query
- questions being shown that should not be:
5/29/15 show list of selected tags on one line (instead of having to look through list of all tags) #high
05/17/15 show the number of questions recently answered/scheduled (e.g., 0-10mins=[5] 10-30mins=[12] 30m-2h=[4] 0-2h=[21]) #high
04/03/15 add a "note" section to the schedule, as a scratchpad, and also to mention what I forgot and what to remember next time #high
3/10/15 don't allow duplicate tags to be created
3/10/15 show the question number on the answer page, so that it can be visually seen to manually edit the question in the admin
Export (export questions via csv / json / yaml / xml / python data structure / plain text). Find a way to maintain referential integrity.
02/11/15 On the answer page, add an input box where the user can type to practice the answer. Maybe or maybe not save it (only value in saving it would be to see the effort that was made). #high
01/23/15 Django Admin: be able to click on the answer from the list of questions page.
02/15/15 Django Admin: show the associated question(s) for each answer, and be able to click on the question
01/23/15 Django Admin: add ability to edit answer in same page as editing question.
2/11/15 Show the schedule numbers for the total of selected tags (just like is done for each individual tag) #high
01/23/15 Add search to Django admin to search in questions and answers.
12/31/14 Added schedule intervals for "immediate" and "never"
12/31/14 Allow a quiz mode that consists of a set of questions, and the user can go back and change their answers as much as they want (e.g., as part of an interview)
12/31/14 Make it possible to view questions that don't have any tags ("untagged") #high
12/31/14 Have a "review all" mode that goes through all questions for the selected tags, showing you number seen and number remaining.
12/31/14 REFACTOR: change all datetime_* variables to either date_* or time_*
12/31/14 Change all timezones to UTC
12/30/14 Implement variations (a question can have variations -- other questions that are similar but modified in a different way; e.g., 2+3=? could be a variation of 2+2=?); this is helpful so that you don't get in the habit of seeing the question and remembering the answer without understanding it
12/27/14 ask how well the question was answered (maybe percentage; excellent / good / bad)
12/21/14 Modify to pass question number in endpoint instead of as hidden field
12/21/14 Add contributors.md
12/21/14 Add to readthedocs
02/15/15 Consider adding a priority field (interval is ideally when you want to see it again, but priority is how important it is to you; so 2 different questions could have the same interval, but the one with the higher priority gets shown first; however, what to do if question1 has interval 1 month and priority "high", and question2 has interval 1 minute and priority "low" -- which gets shown first?)
12/21/14 Add tasks to either github issues or to Trello
11/17/14 add ability to select all or deselect all for tags #high
10/20/14 add search ability, to search questions/answers for specified keywords
10/20/14 in the admin, when viewing a question, show the answer as an inline that can also be edited; likewise, when viewing an answer, show the question inline #high
10/20/14 in the admin, when viewing a question, add a link/url to jump to the answer to view/edit it #high
10/19/14 upgrade Django to latest (currently using 1.6.7; latest is 1.7)
10/18/14 per Steven Jonas, have a way to find other questions (or bookmarked webpages) with similar content to help form associations and new insights
10/18/14 have questions that are a single webpagge to review (a url), and show the content of the webpage instead of just a link
8/17/14 enabling tags during an answer does not enable it when the next question is shown (but it does work if enabled when asking a question)
BUG: clicking on tag (to disable) during a question does not disable it when the answer is shown
Show linefeeds as linefeeds for questions/answers/attempts (add
tags; or add a rich text editor) -
7/15/14 - add admin "list_filter" setting to be able to filter by tags on questions and answers
use a single template: combine show_question.html and show_question_and_answer.html
add an inline in the admin to edit the answer for a given question
ability to change tags for the question shown #high
Frequency (user selects when they want to see again (hr, day, 2 days, week, month, 2 mos)
deploy to heroku
7/14/14 - add a "SKIP" button to skip a question
7/14/14 - capture the elapsed time that it took the user to reply
7/14/14 - show all questions/answers for given tags on a single page
add documentation for other users to use
FEATURE: display url's as clickable url's (href's) if they aren't already in markdown url format #high
Import (import questions via csv / json / yaml / python data structure)
Questions (add questions from the web page instead of the admin)
Tags (be able to tag questions, and then select tags from which to select questions)
consider allowing a hierarchy of tags, e.g.,
** Programming
**** Languages
****** Python
****** Perl
****** C
** Methodologies
**** Agile
- (maybe allow multiple parent/child relationships)
NewUser registration
- page to create account
- email address verification/registration
- show tags
- show how many times seen
- show how many times answered
- show last time seen
- show total number of questions
Review mode: just show questions and answers
email questions
Rich Text for questions and answers
graph database
Questions (modify questions from the web page while asking the question)
unique url's (e.g., either based on question words, or based on an id)
"Ignore" tag -- never see the question again
private questions/answers
add Google Analytics
- ability to add questions/answers
- ability to modify questions/answers on-the-fly
versions of questions/answers
DONE - 8/29/14 Show the tags for the question being asked/answered.
DONE - 3/10/15 show the answer id in answer.unicode in the admin [DONE 3/10/15]
DONE - 12/27/14 Show the number of questions for each tag (total number of questions, and number of questions past deadline)
DONE - postgres backups (via Makefile)
DONE - User login
DONE - add tags via Django Admin (see TODO.md file)
- Name of quiz is passed in the url
- views:
- question, answer, quiz, previous are all loaded in the context
- models:
- Category
- Progress
- Sitting
- user
- question_list (TextField; csv of questions)
- incorrect_question (TextField; csv of incorrect questions)
- Question
- Answer
- users can create accounts for themselves
- add questions via admin
- users can create quizzes (list of questions)
- Edit History (see history of edits of questions, etc.)
- web page is AJAX
- users can edit other peoples questions/answers
- users can edit quizzes (add questions)
- users can edit quizzes (remove questions)
- users can add tags to questions
- users can add tags to questions during quiz
- can edit question while taking the quiz
- bulk upload
- edit a question while it's being asked
- edit an answer while it's being shown
- send emails with questions
- answer question in email
- view facts (no Q&A)
- algorithm based on Steven Jonas SuperMemo (Piotr Wozniak)
- spelling (sound clips)
- recognize photos
- time how long it takes to answer
- give Atlatl interview candidates quizzes
- ask in reverse (show answers, guess questions)
- study mode: show questions and answers together
- movie clips / YouTube videos
Word meaning "piece of information":
chunk / game / info / piece of info / library / article / meme / agents / chapter / quiz /
tidbit / interesting thing / atom / main / unit / info unit / knowledge /
thing that stands alone
building block
- text Answers:
- text Attempts:
- answer
- date
- user
- answers
- questions
- tags
- users
- New user (use the admin initially)
- Add a question/answer (use the admin initially)
- Edit a question/answer (use the admin initially)
- Quiz - ask questions, record answers
Question Types:
- multiple choice
- true/false
- fill in the blank
- essay
- audio clip
- video clip
- image
- click on photo (e.g., US map, states)
- want to quiz myself for a specify tag
cd learn_django-versioning_package
- Anki - open source; written in Python; https://github.com/dae/anki
- Brainscape (iOS)
- Eidetic (iOS)
- Flashcards (iOS)
- Flashcardlet (iOS)
- Fresh Memory - open source; Windows and Linux; last updated ; http://fresh-memory.com/ ; http://sourceforge.net/projects/freshmemory/; documentation last updated 10/6/14; app last updated 10/20/12; Mykhaylo Kopytonenko (mishakop at gmail com); c++
- Mnemosyne
- SuperMemo
- Cram
- Cram4Finals
- Cramberry
- FlashBuddy
- Flashcard Elite
- Flashcards Deluxe
- Fresh Memory
- Mnemosyne
- MyStudyPal
- ProVoc
- Quizlet
- Repeat and Memorize
- Study Stack
- SuperMemo
- http://www.flashcardapps.info/filter/
Ask Me Ask Me Show Me
Brain Librarian Brain Library
Capture and Memorize
Extra Memory
Fingertip FlashCards Fresh Memory (a Windows/Mac app with this name already exists)
Help Me Remember
I Remember
Learn and Remember Learn-Quiz-Remember LibraryOfQuestions
Memory Aid Memory Assistant Memory Butler Memory Chest Memory Concierge Memory Coach Memory Curator Memory Bunny Memory Fountain Memory-Go-Round Memory Gym Memory Lift Memory Push-ups Memory Refresh Memory Refresher Memory Secretary Memory Toolchest Memory Toy
Neuron Expander
Perfect Memory (French company website http://www.perfect-memory.com ; content management)
Quiz and Remember QuizMe - already an iOS and Android app with this name Quizzer quizzical QuizMeNow / quizmenow / quiz-me-now
Read Learn Quiz Remember Read Quizi Learn Remember Rediscover Refresh My Memory (an Android app for remembering where you put things already exists) Remember It Review and Remember Review to Remember
See If I Know Show Me Again Smart Quiz So Many Questions Spaced Repetition Strong Memory Sweet Memory
Tic-Tock-Remember Time to Remember Tip of my Tongue (iOS word-searching app with this name already exists) Total Recall
What Was That?
Memory Butler Memory Curator
gray matter
spaced repetition
- assistant
- curation / collecting
- exercise
- memory
- quiz
- smart
- use a two-part name (e.g., Evernote, Wunderlist, Tweetbot)
- use a strange name (e.g., Google, Yahoo)
- pronounceability
- 11 chars or less
- use a prefix or suffix (e.g., app, go, get) (e.g., outsideapp.com)
- check domain names
- account name availability on Facebook and Twitter
- easy to remember
- use real words with a twist (Ford Mustang)
- create a compound word
- make up a word
- add on a prefix (e.g., Coursera)
- add a pleasing word (e.g., Fountain)
- Quizzes / Flashcards / Spaced Repetition
attempt | correct | question_id | datetime_added | datetime_updated | user_id |
"foobar" | True | 3 | 7/1/14 8:35am | 7/1/14 8:35am | 5 |
question | answer_id |
1+1 | 1 |
question_id | tag_id | enabled |
1 | 1 | True |
name |
my_tag |
For questions:
question_tags = QuestionTag.objects.filter(enabled=True, tag__in=user_tags)
questions = Question.objects.filter(question__in=question_tags)
The End... :)