Releases: SenkaWolf/FiveM_Standalone-RP-Chat-Command-Basic-Pack
RPCCPack 2.3.2
RPCCPack 2.3.1
Removed Jail Whilst Bugs Get Fixed
RPCCPack Beta 2.3.1
Adds Jail Commands - The text which is supposed to print to chat when someone is released does not print into chat.
Remember this is a beta so features may not work!
RPCCPack 2.3.0
Add AFK Kick and tweaked some print lines for jail.
RPCCPack 2.2.2
Added jail script.
Added more options to config.
Added chat suggestion for all commands.
RPCCPack 2.1.3
Made config a shared script in fxmanifest to allow /ad message types to be changed whilst still allowing /emotes list to be within the config.
RPCCPack 2.1.2
Added config file.
Changed _resource to fxmanifest.
Added emote list to config file.
Added more emotes.
RPCCPack 2.1.0
Added /crouch command.
Added copyright comment to all Lua files.
RPCCPack 2.0.0
- /dv
- /emotes
- /hood
- /trunk
- /hu
- /huk
Minor formatting corrections.
Initial Release
Release of the resource with the following features:
- Proximity Chat
- /ooc (Global Chat)
- /me (Proximity Chat)
- /do (Proximity Chat)
- /ad (Global Chat)
- /twt (Global Chat)
- /darkweb (Global Chat)
Three styles of ad to pick from within the server/main.lua file.