This application is subway seat exchange dApp. There is missing information when people use public-transportation, especially subway. In ServeWay, people can deal the information - When the person in front gets off.
In Serve Way, User can get a seat in two ways :
- Real-time matching: If user click “request a seat concession” button, it will send a push notification to other users who have registered their seats and match.
- Find and request: If other users sitting on the seats registered there seats, you can find them on “Find" tab. and just send a request. when seat changed → transaction occurs
User wallet RegistrationERC-1271 - Standard Signature Validation Method for Contracts
Serveway Token: SEAT ERC-20, ERC-2612
This project was built during ETHDenver 2023 BUIDLathon.
we publish custom library react-native-phone=to-phone-ble for send user uuid data through Bluetooth scan
Requirements Opct uses a number of ES6 features, so this project requires Node.js v4.0+ to be installed locally.
Installation To get the project up and running, and view components in the browser, complete the following steps:
Download and install Node:
Clone this repo: (HTTPS)
Install project dependancies: yarn install
Start the development environment: yarn start
yarn run android
yarn run ios
Creating a static build
yarn start
To make this project publicly accessible, you can deploy a static instance by running the following task:
yarn android or yarn ios