The following content is based on the practice set of OmicsLogic BioML(Py) course. The main focus area of the lessons are, data wrangling, data visualization, statistical analysis and machine learning with omics data.
The lessons:
Loading Data - Getting started
Data wrangling and visualization
Descriptive statistical analysis
Dimentionality reduction methods - PCA, MDS, NMDS
Clustering methods - K-means and Heirarchial clustering
Machine learning classification
Visualization with t-SNE and UMAP
Dimentionality reduction with deep learning
Deep learning predictive model
Interactive plotiing with 'plotly' of python (Part- I)
Interactive plotiing with 'plotly' of python (Part- II)
T-test and Heatmap with python
Recently developed 'molplotly' package will also be used for molecular data analysis. For image settings, an R-script is written to manipulate pixel and changing contrast, brightness and color of images generated.