Here’s the README translated into British English:
Welcome! This repository contains the technical test for developer candidates at Sparken. The test aims to evaluate your skills with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Sass. Below you will find the instructions and steps needed to set up and complete the test.
- Next.js - A React framework for web applications.
- Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework for creating fast and customisable interfaces.
- Sass - A CSS preprocessor for advanced style management.
Follow the steps below to set up the development environment:
Fork this repository to work on your own version.
Clone your forked repository:
Navigate to the project directory:
cd your-repo
Install the necessary dependencies:
bun install
npm install
Start the development server:
bun dev
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the application.
🚀 Challenge Requirements
Your task is to create an application that meets the following criteria:
- Responsive Design: Use Tailwind CSS to create a design that adapts to mobile, tablet, and desktop screens.
- Modular Styles: Use Sass to handle more complex styles, employing variables, mixins, or functions as necessary.
- Componentisation: Structure the application in a modular fashion with reusable React components.
- Optimisation: The application should be fast and optimised for a good user experience.
🧪 Testing
The implementation of automated tests using the following is valued:
- Cypress for end-to-end testing.
- Jest for unit and integration testing.
📋 Rules and Considerations
- The code should be clean, well-structured, and follow best development practices.
- Use Next.js for handling routing and pages.
- Styles should primarily be managed with Tailwind CSS, while any advanced style customisation should be handled with Sass.
- Avoid unnecessary additional libraries; the goal is to evaluate your mastery of the core technologies.
🗓️ Submission
Please make a fork of this repository and work on that fork. Once you have completed the test, kindly submit a pull request (PR) with your changes within a 48-hour timeframe.
Good luck, and thank you for participating in the technical test for Sparken!
📞 Support
If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us at or speak with the contact who interviewed you.