Client Server socket for EE450
create a Dockerfile ... might need to make seperate repos for all of this
got "Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix" --> *1 try if docker ps gives off the same error if it does then I need to add the user to the docker group using the following command: (maybe if group does not exist) --> sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER} newgrp docker reboot docker ps
Status: Need to figure out what is going on... all the ports seem to right and connected and goes to serverM but not into server A... still a port issue not sure where to... need to understand the docker network more maybe... not sure if i need to specify or /udp or /tcp.... still in work mkaing progress. figured it out! use --network="host" This will map all ports to localhost no need for port forwarding... becareful when port forwarding there are some tricky things but it seems that --network="host" works well.
Inside docker file RUN: commands are commands that run inside the image are for an immage build step (i.e. stacking layers on top of each image) CMD: the command the conatiner will execute will run on docker run
docker build does not call CMD ( looks like it just verifies its working)
- Greate commands: docker image ls docker image rm "cotainier name or id " docker build -t "tag name "