PHP WHOIS client implementation. Sends the queries directly to the WHOIS services.
- Raw and parsed domain lookup
- Raw and parsed ASN routes lookup
- Direct queries to TLD/ASN hosts
- Extending and customizing the default hosts, parsers, etc.
- PHP >= 5.4 (compatible with 7.* up to nightly)
- php-intl
- php-mbstring
- php-memcached + Memcached server (both optional)
- Allowed port 43 in firewall
- PSR-4 autoloader
composer require io-developer/php-whois
or composer.json:
"require": {
"io-developer/php-whois": "*"
use Iodev\Whois\Whois;
// Creating default configured client
// Checking availability
if (Whois::create()->isDomainAvailable("")) {
print "Bingo! Domain is available! :)";
// Supports Unicode (converts to punycode)
if (Whois::create()->isDomainAvailable("почта.рф")) {
print "Bingo! Domain is available! :)";
// Getting raw-text lookup
$response = Whois::create()->lookupDomain("");
print $response->getText();
// Getting parsed domain info
$info = Whois::create()->loadDomainInfo("");
'Domain created' => date("Y-m-d", $info->getCreationDate()),
'Domain expires' => date("Y-m-d", $info->getExpirationDate()),
'Domain owner' => $info->getOwner(),
use Iodev\Whois\Whois;
use Iodev\Whois\Exceptions\ConnectionException;
use Iodev\Whois\Exceptions\ServerMismatchException;
use Iodev\Whois\Exceptions\WhoisException;
try {
$info = Whois::create()->loadDomainInfo("");
if (!$info) {
print "Null if domain available";
print $info->getDomainName() . " expires at: " . date("d.m.Y H:i:s", $info->getExpirationDate());
} catch (ConnectionException $e) {
print "Disconnect or connection timeout";
} catch (ServerMismatchException $e) {
print "TLD server (.com for not found in current server hosts";
} catch (WhoisException $e) {
print "Whois server responded with error '{$e->getMessage()}'";
use Iodev\Whois\Whois;
use Iodev\Whois\Modules\Tld\TldServer;
use Iodev\Whois\Modules\Tld\TldParser;
$whois = Whois::create();
// Define custom whois host
$customServer = new TldServer(".custom", "whois.nic.custom", false, TldParser::create());
// Or define the same via assoc way
$customServer = TldServer::fromData([
"zone" => ".custom",
"host" => "whois.nic.custom",
// Add custom server to existing whois instance
// Now it can be utilized
$info = $whois->loadDomainInfo("google.custom");
use Iodev\Whois\Whois;
// Getting raw-text lookup
$response = Whois::create()->lookupAsn("AS32934");
print $response->getText();
// Getting parsed ASN info
$info = Whois::create()->loadAsnInfo("AS32934");
foreach ($info->getRoutes() as $route) {
'route IPv4' => $route->getRoute(),
'route IPv6' => $route->getRoute6(),
'description' => $route->getDescr(),
Some TLD hosts are very limited for frequent requests. Use cache if in your case requests are repeating.
use Iodev\Whois\Whois;
use Iodev\Whois\Loaders\SocketLoader;
use Iodev\Whois\Loaders\MemcachedLoader;
$m = new Memcached();
$m->addServer('', 11211);
$loader = new MemcachedLoader(new SocketLoader(), $m);
$whois = Whois::create($loader);
The project is open for pull requests, issues and feedback. Please read the