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Supervision with Prometheus of Logs and Asynchronous tasks for Services or Hosts


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Splash logo Orchestration and Supervision made easy

SPLASH is Supervision with Prometheus of Logs and Asynchronous tasks orchestration for Services or Hosts

Prometheus Logs and Batchs supervision over PushGateway

GitHub version Ruby Gem Version


Splash Design


You need a Prometheus PushGateway operational, if the service not run on localhost:9091, See Prometheus server Configuration chapter to precise it in the configuration

You need Ruby on the server you want to run Splash Splash is succesfully tested with Ruby 2.7.0, but it should works correctly with all Ruby 2.X versions.

On Ubuntu :

# apt install ruby ruby-dev

In some use case, Splash also require some other components :

  • Redis
  • RabbitMQ

It's not strictly required, Redis is a real option for backend; you could configure backend to flat file, but RabbitMQ is required by the Splash Daemon when using host2host commands/sequence execution.

Redis, is usefull when you need a centralized Splash management.

On Ubuntu :

# apt install redis-server rabbimq-server

See Backends Configuration and Transports Configuration to specify this services configurations


Install with gem command :

$ gem install prometheus-splash


As root or with rvmsudo, if you use RVM.

# splash config setup              
Splash -> setup :
* Installing Configuration file : /etc/splash.yml : [OK]
πŸ‘ Splash Initialisation
πŸ‘ Installing template file : /etc/splash_execution_report.tpl
πŸ‘ Creating/Checking pid file path : /var/run/splash
πŸ‘ Creating/Checking trace file path : /var/run/splash/traces :
πŸ’ͺ Splash Setup terminated successfully

NOTE : you can just type 'splash' withou any arguments, for the first setup because, Splash come with an automatic recovery mode, when configuration file is missing, run at the very beginnning of his the execution

WARNING : if you have already configured Splash, running this command without --preserve flag, RESET the Splash Configuration.

As root, edit /etc/splash.conf and adapt Prometheus Pushgateway Configuration :

# vi /etc/splash.yml
    :pushgateway: 'http://localhost:9091'
    :url: 'http://localhost:9090'
    :alertmanager: 'http://localhost:9093'


If you have already setup, you could use --preserve option to keep your active configuration and report file on place This is usefull for automatique Idempotent installation like with Ansible :

# splash conf set --preserve


As root or with rvmsudo, if you use RVM.

# splash conf san
β„Ή Splash -> sanitycheck :
πŸ‘ Config file : /etc/splash.yml
πŸ‘ PID Path : /var/run/splash
πŸ‘ Trace Path : /var/run/splash/traces  
πŸ‘ Prometheus PushGateway Service running
πŸ’ͺ Splash Sanitycheck terminated successfully

WARNING : setup or Sanitycheck could precises errors if path defined in configuration is Symbolic links, type :mode. But it's not a problem for Splash to be operational.

For file/folders if problems is detected, it could be such as :

  • :mode : UNIX rights errors
  • :owner : UNIX file owner errors
  • :group : UNIX file group errors
  • :inexistant : file/folder is missing

getting current VERSION

run :

$ splash config version
β„Ή Splash version : 0.8.2, Author : Romain GEORGES <>
β„Ή Ultragreen (c) 2020 BSD-2-Clause


Logs monitoring

Edit your configuration

In the /etc/splash.yml, you need to adapt default config to monitor your logs.

# vi /etc/splash.yml
### configuration of monitored logs
    - :label: :a_label
      :log: /a/log/path.log
      :pattern: <regexp pattern>
        :hours: 10
    - :label: :an_other_label
      :log: /an/other/log/path.log
      :pattern: <regexp pattern>
        :days: 1
    - <etc...>

Config for log is a YAML list of Hash, with keys :

  • :label : a Symbol like ':xxxxxx' used in Splash internaly to identify logs records
  • :log : a log absolut paths
  • :pattern : a regular expression splash need to detect
  • :retention : a hash with keys like (:days or :hours) and a periode in value


To ensure you have the default configuration values run as root :

# splash conf set

INFO : comamnds must be reduce with the Thor completion facilities

To see all monitoring commands with Splash, run :

# splash logs


# slash logs help
  splash logs analyse         # analyze logs defined in Splash config
  splash logs help [COMMAND]  # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  splash logs history LABEL   # show logs monitoring history
  splash logs list            # List all Splash configured logs monitoring
  splash logs monitor         # monitor logs defined in Splash config
  splash logs show LOG        # show Splash configured log monitoring for LOG

Typicallly, the way work with all Splash commands or subcommands

Run a first test

Verify /tmp/test and /tmp/test2 not existence

# rm /tmp/test /tmp/test2

Verify configured logs :

# splash logs list
β„Ή Splash configured log monitoring :
  πŸ”Ή log monitor : /tmp/test label : log_app_1
  πŸ”Ή log monitor : /tmp/test2 label : log_app_2

You could run list commands with --detail option , verify it with :

# splash command subcommand help

like :

# splash logs list --detail
β„Ή Splash configured log monitoring :
  πŸ”Ή log monitor : /tmp/test label : log_app_1
    ➑ pattern : /ERROR/
  πŸ”Ή log monitor : /tmp/test2 label : log_app_2
    ➑ pattern : /ERROR/

You cloud view a specific logs record detail with :

# splash logs show /tmp/test
β„Ή Splash log monitor : /tmp/test
πŸ”Ή pattern : /ERROR/
πŸ”Ή label : log_app_1

this command Work with a logname or the label

Run a first analyse, you would see :

# splash logs analyse
β„Ή SPlash Configured log monitors :
πŸ‘Ž Log : /tmp/test with label : log_app_1 : missing !
  πŸ”Ή Detected pattern : ERROR
πŸ‘Ž Log : /tmp/test2 with label : log_app_2 : missing !
  πŸ”Ή Detected pattern : ERROR
🚫 Global status : some error found

Create empty Files, or without ERROR string in.

# echo 'foo' > /tmp/test
# touch /tmp/test2

Re-run analyse :

# splash log an
β„Ή SPlash Configured log monitors :
πŸ‘ Log : /tmp/test with label : log_app_1 : no errors
  πŸ”Ή Detected pattern : ERROR
  πŸ”Ή Nb lines = 1
πŸ‘ Log : /tmp/test2 with label : log_app_2 : no errors
  πŸ”Ή Detected pattern : ERROR
  πŸ”Ή Nb lines = 0
πŸ‘ Global status : no error found

It's alright, log monitoring work fine.

Send metrics to Prometheus gateway

Splash is made to run a specific daemon to do this job, but you could do one time, with :

# splash logs monitor
β„Ή Sending metrics to Prometheus Pushgateway
πŸ‘ Sending metrics for log /tmp/test to Prometheus Pushgateway
πŸ‘ Sending metrics for log /tmp/test2 to Prometheus Pushgateway

if Prometheus Gateway is not running or misconfigured, you could see :

β›” Splash Service dependence missing : Prometheus Notification not send.

Otherwise Prometheus PushGateway have received the metrics :

  • logerrors, Prometheus Gauge : with label: and job: 'Splash' => description : SPLASH metric log error' => content : the number of pattern matching for the log

  • logmissing, Prometheus Gauge : with label: and job: 'Splash' => description : SPLASH metric log missing' => content :0 if log exist, 1 if log missing

  • loglines, Prometheus Gauge : with label: and job: 'Splash' => description : SPLASH metric log line numbers' => content :0 if log missing, the number of lines in the logs

See it in Prometheus PushGateway

visit http://<prometheus_pushgateway_host>:<prometheus_pushgateway_port>/

prom PG logs

prom PG details logs

Commands Orchestration, running and monitoring

List of commands

To see all the commands in the 'commands' submenu :

$ splash commands help

$ splash commands                           
  splash commands execute NAME                    # run for command/sequence or ack result
  splash commands getreportlist                   # list all executions report results
  splash commands help [COMMAND]                  # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  splash commands history LABEL                   # show commands executions history
  splash commands lastrun COMMAND                 # Show last running result for specific configured command COMMAND
  splash commands list                            # Show configured commands
  splash commands onerun COMMAND -D, --date=DATE  # Show running result for specific configured command COMMAND
  splash commands schedule NAME                   # Schedule excution of command on Splash daemon
  splash commands show COMMAND                    # Show specific configured command COMMAND
  splash commands treeview                        # Show commands sequence tree

Prepare test with default configuration

Commands or Commands Sequences must be defined in the main configuration file '/etc/splash.yml'

Command name must be Ruby Symbols, so in the YAML file, it must look like :


with x in the following list [A-Za-z_0-9]

Exemple in default configuration :

### configuration of commands and scheduling
      :desc: run id command on root
      :command: id root

      :desc: "test command returning true : 0"
      :command: "true"
        :every: "1h"
      :on_failure: :ls_slash_tmp
      :on_success: :pwd

      :desc: "test command returning false > 0"
      :command: "false"
        :every: "1h"
      :on_failure: :ls_slash_tmp
      :on_success: :pwd

      :desc: list file in /tmp
      :command: ls -al /tmp
      :user: daemon
      :on_success: :echo1

      :desc: run pwd
      :command: pwd
      :on_success: :echo1
      :on_failure: :echo2

    :desc: echo 'foo'
    :command: echo foo
    :on_failure: :echo3

    :desc: echo 'bar'
    :command: echo bar

    :desc: echo 'been'
    :command: echo been

A configuration block for commands must include :

  • key : a name as Symbol (:xxxxxx)
  • values : (hash)
    • :desc : a brief Description
    • :command : the full command line

may include :

  • :user: the userneme to use to run the command
  • :on_failure: the name of an other defined command, to, execute if exit_code > 0
  • :on_success: the name of an other defined command, to, execute if exit_code = 0
  • :schedule: (Hash) a scheduling for daemon, after in this documentation, it support :
    • :every: "" ex: "1s", "3m", "2h"
    • :at: "<date/time>" ex: "2030/12/12 23:30:00"
    • :cron: * * * * * a cron format
  • delegate_to: (Hash) a Slash delagation
    • :host: the hostname of an other Confiugured Splash Node.
    • :remote_command: a command defined in the remote Splash node Configuration

Remarque : Command name, as precise earlier in this documentation is Ruby Symbols ':xxxxx'. In YAML as a Hash key : ':xxxxxx: ', but as a value ':xxxxx', so the synthaxe for callbacks :

:on_success: :xxxxxx
:on_failure: :xxxxxx

It's the same for :remote_command

Rufus Scheduler Doc

if you want to inject default configuration, again as root :

splash conf set

listing the defined Commands

You could list the defined commands, in your case :

$ splash commands list
β„Ή Splash configured commands :
πŸ”Ή id_root
πŸ”Ή true_test
πŸ”Ή false_test
πŸ”Ή ls_slash_tmp
πŸ”Ή pwd
πŸ”Ή echo1
πŸ”Ή echo2
πŸ”Ή echo3
πŸ”Ή rand_sleep_5
πŸ”Ή test_remote_call

Show specific commands

You could show a specific command :

$ splash com show pwd
β„Ή Splash command : pwd
πŸ”Ή command line : 'pwd'
πŸ”Ή command description : 'run pwd'
πŸ”Ή command failure callback : 'echo2'
πŸ”Ή command success callback : 'echo1'

View Sequence execution for commands

You could trace execution sequence for a commands as a tree, with :

# splash com treeview
β„Ή Command : true_test
* on failure => ls_slash_tmp
  * on success => echo1
    * on failure => echo3
* on success => pwd
  * on failure => echo2
  * on success => echo1
    * on failure => echo3

In your sample, in all case :

  • :true_test return 0
  • :pwd return 0
  • :echo1 return 0

commands execution sequence will be :

:true_test => :pwd => :echo1

:ls_slash_tmp, :echo2 and :echo3 will be never executed.

Executing a standalone command :

Running a standalone command with ONLY as root

# splash com execute echo1
β„Ή Executing command : 'echo1'
  πŸ”ΉTracefull execution
πŸ‘ Command executed
  ➑ exitcode 0
πŸ‘ Sending metrics to Prometheus Pushgateway

This command :

  1. Execute command line defined in command 'echo1' defined in configurations
  2. Trace information in a execution report :
  • :start_date the complete date time of execution start.
  • :end_date the complete date time of execution end.
  • :cmd_name the name of the command
  • :cmd_line the complete command line executed
  • :stdout STDOUT of the command
  • :stderr STDERR of the command
  • :desc the description of the command
  • :status : PID and exit_code of the command
  • :exec_time : the timing of the command
  1. Notify Prometheus

There is some usefull modifiers for this command :

--no-trace : prevent Splash to write report for this execution in configured backend
--no-notify : prevent Splash to nofify Prometheus PushGateway metric (see later in this documentation)
--no-callback : never execute callback (see it after)

Executing a sequence of callback Commands

Splash allow execution of callback (:on_failure, :on_success), you have already see it in config sample. In our example, we have see :true_test have a execution sequence, we're going to test this, as root :

# splash com exe true_test
β„Ή Executing command : 'true_test'
  πŸ”Ή Tracefull execution
πŸ‘ Command executed
  ➑ exitcode 0
πŸ‘ Sending metrics to Prometheus Pushgateway
  πŸ”Ή On success callback : pwd
β„Ή Executing command : 'pwd'
  πŸ”Ή Tracefull execution
πŸ‘ Command executed
  ➑ exitcode 0
πŸ‘ Sending metrics to Prometheus Pushgateway
  πŸ”Ή On success callback : echo1
β„Ή Executing command : 'echo1'
  πŸ”Ή Tracefull execution
πŸ‘ Command executed
  ➑ exitcode 0
πŸ‘ Sending metrics to Prometheus Pushgateway

We could verify the sequence determined with lastrun command.

If you want to prevent callback execution, as root :

  # splash com exe true_test --no-callback
  β„Ή Executing command : 'true_test'
    πŸ”Ή Tracefull execution
  πŸ‘ Command executed
    ➑ exitcode 0
  πŸ‘ Sending metrics to Prometheus Pushgateway
    πŸ”Ή Without callbacks sequences

Display the last execution trace for a command

If you want to view the last execution trace for commande, (only if executed with --trace : default)

# splash com lastrun pwd
β„Ή Splash command pwd previous execution report:

Command Execution report

Date START: 2020-10-28T13:38:36+01:00
Date END: 2020-10-28T13:38:36+01:00
Command : pwd
full command line : pwd
Description : run pwd
errorcode : pid 10958 exit 0
Execution time (sec) : 0.00737092




Lastrun could receive the --hostname option to get the execution report of command

Advanced Configuration

Backend configuration

For the moment Splash come with two types of backend :

  • :file if you would a standalone splash Usage
  • :redis if you want a distributed Splash usage

backend are usable for :

  • execution trace
  • transfers_trace
  • logs_trace
  • process_trace
File backend

The file backend is very simple to use :

Edit /etc/splash.yml, as root :

# vi /etc/splash.yml
        :type: :file
        :path: /var/run/splash
  • :type must be :file
  • :path should be set to the dedicated executions traces files path (default : /var/run/splash )
Redis backend

A little bit more complicated for Redis :

Edit /etc/splash.yml, as root :

# vi /etc/splash.yml
      :type: :redis
      :host: localhost
      :port: 6379
      #:auth: "mykey"
      :base: 1
  • :type must be :redis
  • :host must be set as the Redis server hostname (default: localhost)
  • :port must be set as the Redis server port (default: 6379)
  • :base must be set as the Redis base number (default: 1)
  • :auth should be set if Redis need an simple authentification key
Prometheus configuration

Prometheus services could be configured in /etc/splash.yaml

# vi /etc/splash.yml
    :pushgateway: http://localhost:9091
    :url: http://localhost:9090
    :alertmanager: http://localhost:9093


The Splash daemon


We're going to discover the Big part of Splash the Daemon, usefull to :

  • orchestration
  • scheduling
  • Log monitoring (without CRON scheduling)
  • Process monitoring (without CRON scheduling)
  • Transfers scheduling (TODO)
  • host2host sequences execution (optionnal )


Splash Daemon requiere Rabbitmq Configured and launched if you try to run Splash with Rabbitmq, it will be failed :

# sudo splash dae start
β›” Splash Service dependence missing : RabbitMQ Transport not available.

WARNING : if RabbitMQ service shutdown, Splash will shutdown also !

You cloud configure RabbitMQ in the /etc/splash.yml :

  :active: :rabbitmq
    :vhost: "/"
    :port: 5672
    :host: localhost

RabbitMQ, is the only transport service usable actually in Splash

Where :

  • vhost: is the RabbitMQ vhost used to store Splash Queues
  • port : the TCP RabbitMQ port (default : 5672)
  • Host : the hostname or IP of the RabbitMQ service (default : localhost)

the Daemon Splash subcommand

run this command :

# splash daemon
  splash daemon getjobs         # send a get_jobs verb to HOSTNAME daemon over transport (need an active tranport), Typicallly Ra...
  splash daemon getjobs         # send a reset verb to HOSTNAME daemon over transport (need an active tranport), Typicallly RabbitMQ
  splash daemon help [COMMAND]  # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  splash daemon ping HOSTNAME   # send a ping to HOSTNAME daemon over transport (need an active tranport), Typicallly RabbitMQ
  splash daemon purge           # Purge Transport Input queue of Daemon
  splash daemon start           # Starting Splash Daemon
  splash daemon status          # Splash Daemon status
  splash daemon stop            # Stopping Splash Daemon

Controlling the daemon

Running Daemon
# sudo splash dae start
β„Ή Queue : purged
πŸ‘ Splash Daemon Started, with PID : 16904
πŸ’ͺ Splash Daemon successfully loaded.

Start command support multiples options, you cloud see it by typing :

# sudo splash dae help start
  splash daemon start

    -F, [--foreground], [--no-foreground]  
        [--purge], [--no-purge]            
                                     # Default: true
        [--scheduling], [--no-scheduling]  
                                     # Default: true

    Starting Splash Daemon

    With --foreground, run Splash in foreground

    With --no-scheduling, inhibit commands scheduling

    With --no-purge, inhibit purge Input Queue for Splash Daemon
Status Daemon

if daemon is stopped :

# sudo splash dae status
πŸ”Ή Splash Process not found
πŸ”Ή and PID file don't exist
πŸ’ͺ Status OK

If daemon is running :

# splash dae status
πŸ”Ή Splash Process is running with PID 974
πŸ”Ή and PID file exist with PID 974
πŸ’ͺ Status OK
Stopping Daemon
# sudo splash dae stop
πŸ’ͺ Splash stopped succesfully

Configuring the daemon

the configuration of the daemon could be done in the /etc/splash.yml [...] :daemon: :logmon_scheduling: :every: 20s :metrics_scheduling: :every: 15s :procmon_scheduling: :every: 20s :process_name: 'Splash : daemon.' :files: :stdout_trace: stdout.txt :stderr_trace: stderr.txt :pid_file: [...]

Where :

  • logmon_scheduling : (Hash) a scheduling for Log monitoring, (default: every 20s) it support :

    • :every: "" ex: "1s", "3m", "2h"
    • :at: "<date/time>" ex: "2030/12/12 23:30:00"
    • :cron: * * * * * a cron format
  • metrics_scheduling : (Hash) a scheduling for internals metrics for daemon, (default: every 20s), scheduled as logmon_scheduling

  • procmon_scheduling : (Hash) a scheduling for Process monitoring, (default: every 20s), scheduled as logmon_scheduling

Rufus Scheduler Doc

Daemon metrics


Execution report Template adaptions


Ubuntu Ansible playbook


Systemd integration fo daemon


CRON usage with or without rvmsudo


Default values for configuration

defined in the lib/splash/constants.rb

 # Current splash version
 VERSION = "0.8.3"
 # the path to th config file, not overridable by config
 CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/splash.yml"
 # the default execution trace_path if backend file
 # the default pid file path

 # default scheduling criteria for log monitoring
 DAEMON_LOGMON_SCHEDULING={ :every => '20s'}
 # default scheduling criteria for  metrics notifications
 # default scheduling criteria for process monitoring

 # the display name of daemon in proc info (ps/top)
 DAEMON_PROCESS_NAME="Splash : daemon."
 # the default pid file name
 # the default sdtout trace file
 # the default sdterr trace file

 # the Author name
 # the maintainer mail
 EMAIL = ""
 # legal Copyright (c) 2020 Copyright Utragreen All Rights Reserved.
 COPYRIGHT="Ultragreen (c) 2020"
 # type of licence

 # the default prometheus pushgateway URL
 PROMETHEUS_PUSHGATEWAY_URL = 'http://localhost:9091/'

 # the default prometheus Alertmanager URL
 PROMETHEUS_ALERTMANAGER_URL = 'http://localhost:9092/'

 # the default prometheus URL
 PROMETHEUS_URL = "http://localhost:9090/"

 # the default path fo execution report template

 # the list of authorized tokens for template, carefull override,
 EXECUTION_TEMPLATE_TOKENS_LIST = [:end_date,:start_date,:cmd_name,:cmd_line,:stdout,:stderr,:desc,:status,:exec_time]

 # backends default settings
 BACKENDS_STRUCT = { :list => [:file,:redis],
                     :stores => { :execution_trace => { :type => :file, :path => "/var/run/splash" }}}
 # transports default settings
 TRANSPORTS_STRUCT = { :list => [:rabbitmq],
                       :active => :rabbitmq,
                       :rabbitmq => { :port => 5672, :host => "localhost", :vhost => '/'} }

 # loggers default settings
 LOGGERS_STRUCT = { :list => [:cli,:daemon, :dual, :web],
                    :default => :cli,
                    :level => :info,
                    :daemon => {:file => '/var/log/splash.log'},
                    :web => {:file => '/var/log/splash_web.log'},
                    :cli => {:color => true, :emoji => true }  }

 # the display name of daemon in proc info (ps/top)
 # the default pid file path
 # the default pid file name
 # the default sdtout trace file
 # the default sdterr trace file

 # default retention for trace

Splash CLI return code significations


   # context execution
   :not_root => {:message => "This operation need to be run as root (use sudo or rvmsudo)", :code => 10},
   :options_incompatibility => {:message => "Options incompatibility", :code => 40},
   :service_dependence_missing => {:message => "Splash Service dependence missing", :code => 60},

   # config
   :specific_config_required => {:message => "Specific configuration required", :code => 30},
   :splash_setup_error => {:message => "Splash Setup terminated unsuccessfully", :code => 25},
   :splash_setup_success => {:message => "Splash Setup terminated successfully", :code => 0},
   :splash_sanitycheck_error => {:message => "Splash Sanitycheck terminated unsuccessfully", :code => 20},
   :splash_sanitycheck_success => {:message => "Splash Sanitycheck terminated successfully", :code => 0},
   :configuration_error => {:message => "Splash Configuration Error", :code => 50},

   # global
   :quiet_exit => {:code => 0},
   :error_exit => {:code => 99, :message => "Operation failure"},

   # events
   :interrupt => {:message => "Splash user operation interrupted", :code => 33},

   # request
   :not_found => {:message => "Object not found", :code => 44},
   :already_exist => {:message => "Object already exist", :code => 48},

   # daemon
   :status_ok => {:message => "Status OK", :code => 0},
   :status_ko => {:message => "Status KO", :code => 31}


The Splash WebAdmin

Controlling WebAdmin




Accessing WebAdmin

the SPlash API


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Massively made during COVID-19 containment : #StayAtHomeSoftware


Supervision with Prometheus of Logs and Asynchronous tasks for Services or Hosts







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