🌤️ An awesome Android weather forecast app, which uses weatherapi API. ☂️⛈️ ( Java, Android Studio )
About • Features • Built with • Usage • Support & Feedback • License
Weather Lift is a simple weather forecast app, which uses weatherapi API to fetch forecast data based on given location. This application, developed in the Android Studio environment, processes the temperature, wind, pressure, weather and humidity data fetched in JSON format and displays them to the user.
Some of the features the project includes:
- Weather info by current location
- Full Day Forecast
- Current temperature, wind and real feel info
- Search weather by location
- Secure API key
- Android Studio - Android Studio is the official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android app development, based on IntelliJ IDEA.
- weatherapi - weatherapi is an online service that provides global weather data via API, including current weather data, forecasts, nowcasts and historical weather data for any geographical location.
In order to use the project, you first need your own OpenWeatherMap API key:
- Sign up on weatherapi to get your api keys.
- Once you've registered go to your Dashboard > API keys. The 'Default key' is what you'll need.
If you are having technical issues or want to raise a bug/issue with the app, the preferred way is through GitHub issues. In order to contact with me for any other request please send an email to: umeshekhande100@gmail.com
Copyright (c) 2022 umesh ekhande