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The official code repository of "A unified evolution-driven deep learning framework for virus variation driver prediction" (Nature Machine Intelligence

Latest Updates

Sep 25, 2024: 1. Generalization on other virus. Updated codes for three other viruses. 2. Evolutionary Trajectory. Updated the training data and checkpoints for property prediction models before Omicron.

Jun 2, 2024: Updated figure reproduction codes.

May 30, 2024: Updated ablation experiments, generalization experiments, evolutionary trends codes, data and checkpoints.

May 26, 2024: Updated single site benckmark dataset and codes.


The increasing frequency of emerging viral infections necessitates a rapid human response, highlighting the cost-effectiveness of computational methods. However, existing computational approaches are limited by their input forms or incomplete functionalities, preventing a unified prediction of diverse virus variation drivers and hindering in-depth applications. To address this issue, we propose a unified evolution-driven framework for predicting virus variation drivers, named Evolution-driven Virus Variation Driver prediction (E2VD), which is guided by virus evolutionary traits. With evolution-inspired design, E2VD comprehensively and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods across various virus mutational driver prediction tasks. Moreover, E2VD effectively captures the fundamental patterns of virus evolution. It not only distinguishes different types of mutations but also accurately identifies rare beneficial mutations that are critical for viruses to survive, while maintaining generalization capabilities across different lineages of SARS-CoV-2 and different types of viruses. Importantly, with predicted biological drivers, E2VD perceives virus evolutionary trends in which potential high-risk mutation sites are accurately recommended. Overall, E2VD represents a unified, structure-free and interpretable approach for analysing and predicting viral evolutionary fitness, providing an ideal alternative to costly wet-lab measurements to accelerate responses to emerging viral infections.


System Requirements

Hardware requirements

The customized protein language model pretraining and the protein feature extraction (inference on our customized protein language model) are conducted on Ascend-910 (32GB).

!! NOTE: The Ascend NPU environment is only for protein feature extraction. We provide the extracted features of the sequences used for experiments below. You can use the extracted results directly for downstream applications.

The downstream predictions using extracted features can be conducted on a standard computer with NVIDIA GPU with no less than 8G memory and enough RAM to run training and inference. The downstream experiments are conducted on one Tesla V100 (32GB).

Software requirements

OS Requirements

The customized protein language model pretraining and protein feature extraction (inference on our customized protein language model) are conducted on CentOS. This is not necessary for downstream training and predicting.

The downstream experiments are conducted on Ubuntu 16.04.1.

Python Dependencies

For the customized protein language model pretraining and protein feature extraction (inference on top of our customized protein language model), the required python environments are as follows.

!! NOTE: This environment is only for protein feature extraction. We provide the extracted features of the sequences used for experiments below. You can use the extracted results directly for downstream applications.


For the downstream experiments, the required python environments are as follows.


Installation Guide

Setting up downstream environment

Create a new environment.

conda create -n e2vd python=3.7
conda activate e2vd

Install pytorch 1.11.0.

pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 --extra-index-url

Install other dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

It takes less than 10 minutes to install python dependencies for downstream experiments on a standard computer.

Repo contents

- single_site_benchmark/ # experiments of single-site mutation sequences
	- bind/
		- baseline-CNN/
		- E2VD/
			- data_process/
				- customize/
				- ESM1v/
				- ESM2
				- T5/
			- *.py
	- expr/
		- baseline-DNAPerceiver/
		- baseline-UniRep/
		- E2VD/
			- customize/
			- ESM1v/
			- ESM2/
			- T5/
	- escape/
		- baseline-Escape/
		- baseline-RBD_AB/
		- E2VD/
			- customize/
			- ESM1v/
			- ESM2/
			- T5/
- LG_MT/ # ablation experiments of LG and MT module
	- bind_train_5fold*.py
- PCA_visualization/ # PCA visualization of features before and after LG module
	- bind/
	- expr/
	- escape/
- mine_rare_beneficial_mutation/ # ablation experiments on MT module
	- MT/
- generalization_performance/ # generalization performance comparison of different models on binding affinity and expression
	- bind/
		- baseline-CNN/
			- _embedding_train/ # train model with single-site mutation benchmark
			- data_process/
			- model/
			- # calculate OPP metrics
			- # predict multi-site mutation sequences
		- E2VD/
	- expr/
		- baseline-DNAPerceiver/
			- _embedding_train/ # train model with single-site mutation benchmark
			- model/
			- # calculate OPP metrics
			- # predict multi-site mutation sequences
		- baseline-UniRep_ANN/
		- E2VD/
- other_virus/ # property prediction benchmarks on other virus
	- influenza/
		- E2VD/
		- perceiver/
		- UniRep/
		- CNN/
		- # data process and data split
	- zika/
	- HIV/
- perceive_evolutionary_trends/
	- calculate_ROC/
		- # calculate AUC and draw ROC
	- E2VD/
		- attributes_train_and_predict/
			- training/
				- bind_train/
				- expression_train/
				- escape_train/
			- predicting/
				- # use the pretrained model to predict binding affinity
				- # use the pretrained model to predict expression
				- # use the pretrained model to predict antibody escape
		- src/
		- data/
- figure_reproduction/
	- mine_rare_beneficial_mutation/
	- MT_loss_ablation/
	- PCA_visualization/
	- perceive_evolutionary_trends/
- pretraining/ # codes for customized protein language model pretraining and feature extracting
	- src/
		- # bert model architecture
		- # bert pretraining architecture
		- # dataset loader
		- ... # other src
		- model_utils/
			- # adapter for distributed training
			- ... # other utils
	- # bert pretraining main
	- pretrain_config.yaml # training config
	- # feature extracting code for local device
- demo_bind/
	- # quick start for binding affinity training
	- # quick start for binding affinity predicting

Demo and Instructions for Use

Quick start

We provide a quick demo for the binding affinity prediction experiment to show the learning and predicting ability of E2VD. The dataset used here is single-site mutation benchmark.

  • Training

Download the extracted sequence feature of the training and testing data.

cd demo_bind/data
wget --no-check-certificate -O
cd ..

Run to do 5 fold cross validation using training data.

python > train_output.txt 2>&1

  • Testing

Use training result to predict the binding affinity of the blind test set. Besides, we provide our training checkpoints to make a quick prediction.

# run prediction
python > test_result.txt 2>&1

The expected outputs are as follows.

AU-ROC Acc F1-Score Precision Recall MSE Corr
92.98 91.11 91.58 87.43 96.30 0.058 0.870

It takes only several hours to train on training data, and several seconds to predict on test data.

Quick demo for in silico evolution

We provide a quick demo for the in silico evolution on BA.5 lineage. Please refer to examples/E2VD_Evolution_demo.ipynb for details, or open in Colab.

Protein sequence feature extraction

!! NOTE: We provide the extracted features of the sequences used for experiments at the end of this section. You can use the extracted results directly for downstream applications and skip this section.

Use our pretrained customized protein language model to extract feature embeddings of protein sequences for downstream application. The pretrained checkpoint can be downloaded in the table below.

Use pretraining/ to extract feature embeddings on your computer or server. Please modify the file path in the code before executing.

    ckpt_path = '<path to the pretrained model>/checkpoint.ckpt'

    data_path = '<path to the dir to extract features>/raw/'
    filelist = glob.glob(data_path+"*.txt")
    result_path = "<path to the dir to save results>/result/"
    os.makedirs(result_path, exist_ok=True)

We provide the extracted protein features as well as the pretrained checkpoints here for the convenient experiments on downstream tasks.


Section Download Link Content
Pretrained checkpoint DOI Pretrained checkpoint for our customized protein language model.
QuickStart DOI Extracted features and trained checkpoints.
Single site benchmark DOI The single-site mutation benchmark, including extracted features of RBD and antibody sequences.
Mine rare beneficial mutation DOI The extracted features of all the single-site mutation RBDs for rare beneficial mutation discovery.
Generalization performance DOI The features of DMS sequences of different lineages.
Perceive evolutionary trends DOI The data and checkpoint files needed for evolution simulation.
Evolutionary trajectory DOI The data and checkpoint files needed for evolution simulation.

Single site benchmark

We use the single-site mutation benchmark on binding affinity, expression and antibody escape to do model training and testing to show the learning and predicting power of E2VD.

For E2VD model, we provide the features extracted by our customized protein language model, as well as the feature extracting codes for ESM1v, ESM2 and ProtTransT5 to compare the performance of different backbones under the same model architecture.

Binding affinity

  • E2VD

Use pretrained customized protein language model to extract protein sequence features, or download the extracted results from the table above.

Training script is single_site_benchmark/bind/E2VD/ Modify the file paths in the code.

# load data
feats=np.load('<path to embedding data>/single_bind_customize_train_data.npy')
reg_label=np.load('<path to label>/single_bind_customize_train_label.npy').reshape(-1,1)

Run the script to do training.

python > output_bind_train.txt 2>&1

Testing script is single_site_benchmark/bind/E2VD/ Modify the file paths in the code.

model_dir="<trained model path>/model_{}.pth.tar"
model = SoluModel(SEQ_LEN)
model =

# load train data
train_feats=np.load('<path to embedding data>/single_bind_customize_train_data.npy')
del train_feats

# load test data
test_feats=np.load('<path to embedding data>/single_bind_customize_test_data.npy')
test_reg_label=np.load('<path to label>/single_bind_customize_test_label.npy')

Run the script to do testing.

python > output_bind_test.txt 2>&1
  • baseline-CNN

We adopt CNN as baseline to compare with E2VD. Training scripts are in single_site_benchmark/bind/baseline-CNN.

Extract onehot encoding of sequences as features.

python data_process/

Run the following scripts to do training and testing.

# training
# testing


  • E2VD

Use pretrained customized protein language model to extract protein sequence features, or download the extracted results.

Training script is in single_site_benchmark/expr/E2VD/customize/. Please modify the file paths in the code before running the code.

# training
python > output_expr_train.txt 2>&1

# testing
python > output_expr_test.txt 2>&1
  • baseline-DNAPerceiver

Code is in single_site_benchmark/expr/baseline-DNAPerceiver. Please split training and testing data before training.

# data split
# training
# testing
  • baseline-UniRep

Code is in single_site_benchmark/expr/baseline-UniRep. This baseline model extracts RBD features using UniRep model. Please configure the UniRep environment and download the pretrained model first.

The sequence features can be extracted by baseline-UniRep/Predicting-Gene-Expression/src/ After feature extracting, run to split training set and testing set.

We reimplemented 2 versions of baseline-UniRep, i.e. UniRep-ANN and UniRep-RF.

## UniRep-ANN
# training
# testing

## UniRep-RF

Antibody escape

  • E2VD

Use pretrained customized protein language model to extract protein sequence features, or download the extracted results.

Training script is in single_site_benchmark/escape/E2VD/customize/. Please modify the file paths in the code before running the code.

# training
python > output_escape_train.txt 2>&1

# testing
python > output_escape_test.txt 2>&1
  • baseline-Escape

We reimplemented 2 versions of baseline-Escape, i.e. Escape-embedding and Escape-onehot.

For Escape-embedding model, please extract features of RBD, antobody heavy chain and antibody light chain sequences with ESM2-650M.

# training script for Escape-embedding

For Escape-onehot model, please extract features of RBD, antobody heavy chain and antibody light chain sequences with ESM2-650M.

# training script for Escape-embedding

The testing code is:


Please adjust ONEHOT parameter in the script for different models.

  • baseline-RBD_AB

For baseline-RBD_AB, we tried different masking ratios, including 0, 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75.

For the model without mask, the scripts are:

python baseline-RBD_AB/nomask/
python baseline-RBD_AB/nomask/

For the model with mask, the scripts are:

python baseline-RBD_AB/mask/
python baseline-RBD_AB/mask/

Please adjust P parameter in the script for different masking ratios.

E2VD can achieve state-of-the-art performance in single-site mutation benchmark on binding affinity, expression and antibody escape.



We conduct ablation study on Local-Global dependence coupling (LG) and Multi-Task focal learning (MT). We use single-site mutation benchmark of binding affinity as training dataset.

We conduct experiments on different protein language models to get a more general result, including our customized protein language model, ESM2 and ProtTransT5. For each protein language model, there are 4 experiments, including model with MT and LG, model with MT, model with LG and model without MT and LG.

Please choose which protein language model to use at the beginning of the code.

BACKBONE = 'customize' # 'esm2' # 't5'

DIM_SIZE = dict(
    customize = 1024,
    esm2 = 1280,
    t5 = 1024
python LG_MT/
python LG_MT/
python LG_MT/
python LG_MT/

The testing script is:

python LG_MT/

Please choose the model to use, including SoluModel and SoluModel_noLG.

PCA visualization

We conduct PCA on features before LG and after LG to show that the LG module can learn to distinguish between samples with high risk and samples with low risk.

The features before and after local-global dependence coupling module are visualized. For binding affinity and expression prediction tasks, we choose the RBD embedding from protein language model as the feature before feature coupling. For antibody escape prediction task, we concatenate the RBD embedding, antibody heavy chain embedding and antibody light chain embedding from protein language model as the feature before feature coupling. The feature that passes through local-global dependence coupling module are used as the features after feature coupling. You can extract the features after LG with extract_feat_after_LG_*.py.

## Binding affinity
cd PCA_visualization/bind
# extract feature after LG
# pca
# draw
python figure_reproduction/PCA_visualization/

## Expression
cd PCA_visualization/expr
# extract feature after LG
# pca
# draw
python figure_reproduction/PCA_visualization/

## Antibody escape
cd PCA_visualization/escape
# extract feature after LG
# pca
# draw
python figure_reproduction/PCA_visualization/

For quick visualization of the PCA result, we provide the processed features in data/PCA_visualization. Please refer to Figure reproduction for details.

Mine rare beneficial mutation

We select XBB.1.5 as the reference lineage, and randomly select 15 mutations with increased binding affinity based on DMS data of 22 real-world mutation sites within its RBD region. Besides, we randomly select 15 mutations with reduced binding affinity at each beneficial mutation site to form a test set with balanced positive and negative samples. The remaining samples are used as training data.

Split training set and test set with:

python mine_rare_beneficial_mutation/

Noted that the chosen test samples in the script are the same as our experiment.

We train two models with multi-task focal loss and BCE&MSE loss respectively.

# MT
python mine_rare_beneficial_mutation/MT/
python mine_rare_beneficial_mutation/MT/

python mine_rare_beneficial_mutation/BCE_MSE/
python mine_rare_beneficial_mutation/BCE_MSE/

Generalization performance

We test the generalization capability of models on binding affinity and expression tasks. All models are trained with DMS data of wild type (WT) RBD, and tested on DMS data of multiple lineages.

We calculate Ordinal Pair Proportion (OPP) metrics on binding affinity and expression prediction tasks to evaluate the generalization performance of different models.

Binding affinity

  • E2VD

Train the model with DMS data of WT RBD.

python generalization_performance/bind/E2VD/_embedding_train/

Copy the trained model into generalization_performance/bind/E2VD/model. Download the extracted features of test sequences into generalization_performance/bind/E2VD/data_process, and get prediction result.

python generalization_performance/bind/E2VD/

Calculate OPP metrics for all the sequences as well as the sequences of each lineages.

python generalization_performance/bind/E2VD/
  • baseline-CNN

Train the model with DMS data of WT RBD.

python generalization_performance/bind/baseline-CNN/_embedding_train/

Copy the trained model into generalization_performance/bind/baseline-CNN/model.

Convert test data into onehot encoding, and get prediction result.

python generalization_performance/bind/baseline-CNN/data_process/
python generalization_performance/bind/baseline-CNN/

Calculate OPP metrics for all the sequences as well as the sequences of each lineages.

python generalization_performance/bind/baseline-CNN/


  • E2VD

Train the model with DMS data of WT RBD.

python generalization_performance/expr/E2VD/_embedding_train/

Copy the trained model into generalization_performance/expr/E2VD/model. Download the extracted features of test sequences into generalization_performance/expr/E2VD/data_process, and get prediction result.

python generalization_performance/expr/E2VD/

Calculate OPP metrics for all the sequences as well as the sequences of each lineages.

python generalization_performance/expr/E2VD/
  • baseline-UniRep_ANN

For baseline-UniRep, we only conduct experiment on UniRep_ANN, as it performs better than UniRep_RF.

Train the model with DMS data of WT RBD.

python generalization_performance/expr/baseline-UniRep_ANN/_embedding_train/

Copy the trained model into generalization_performance/expr/baseline-UniRep_ANN/model.

Convert test data into UniRep encoding, and get prediction result.

python generalization_performance/expr/baseline-UniRep_ANN/Predicting-Gene-Expression/src/ --data data/generalization_performance/expr/expr_variant_data_test.csv
python generalization_performance/expr/baseline-UniRep_ANN/

Calculate OPP metrics for all the sequences as well as the sequences of each lineages.

python generalization_performance/expr/baseline-UniRep_ANN/
  • baseline-DNAPerceiver

Train the model with DMS data of WT RBD.

python generalization_performance/expr/baseline-DNAPerceiver/_embedding_train/

Copy the trained model into generalization_performance/expr/baseline-DNAPerceiver/model.

Convert test data into onehot encoding, and get prediction result.

python generalization_performance/bind/baseline-CNN/data_process/
python generalization_performance/bind/baseline-CNN/

Calculate OPP metrics for all the sequences as well as the sequences of each lineages.

Other virus

We perform virus property prediction experiments on three other viruses, including Influenza virus, Zika virus and HIV. We compare our model with three models, including perceiver, UniRep and CNN.

We take experiments on Influenza virus as an example. The experiment pipeline is the same among viruses.

Data Process

Please download the dataset to use according to different virus.

We provide our processed features and trained checkpoints for reproduction. For Zika virus, we split the extracted feature into two parts due to the storage limit. For HIV, the size of the extracted feature exceeds 40GB, making downloading and processing inconvenient. If you are interested in HIV experiments reproduction, feel free to submit an issue, and we will send the extracted feature and trained checkpoints via email.

Virus Download Link Content
Influenza DOI Extracted feature and trained checkpoints for Influenza virus.
Zika feature-1 DOI Extracted feature for Zika virus part1.
Zika feature-2 DOI Extracted feature for Zika virus part2.
Zika checkpoints DOI Trained checkpoints for Zika.

After downloading dataset, run the following script to get virus sequences, get labels and split dataset.

python other_virus/influenza/

The processed result is saved in data/other_virus/influenza.


Run the following scripts to get training data, run training and testing.

python other_virus/influenza/E2VD/
python other_virus/influenza/E2VD/
python other_virus/influenza/E2VD/


Run the following scripts to run training and testing.

python other_virus/influenza/perceiver/
python other_virus/influenza/perceiver/


Please configure the UniRep environment and download the pretrained model first.

The sequence features can be extracted by baseline-UniRep/Predicting-Gene-Expression/src/ After feature extracting, run other_virus/influenza/UniRep/ to split training set and testing set.

Run the following scripts to run training and testing.

python other_virus/influenza/UniRep/
python other_virus/influenza/UniRep/

# RF
python other_virus/influenza/UniRep/


Run the following scripts to process data, run training and testing.

python other_virus/influenza/CNN/
python other_virus/influenza/CNN/
python other_virus/influenza/CNN/

Perceive evolutionary trends

We perform single-site mutation on BA.5 and XBB.1.5 sequences, and all single-mutation variants are separately predicted for binding affinity, expression, and antibody escape, which are subsequently screened by different predictors.

We perform experiments on E2VD and MLAEP, and calculate the AU-ROC of prediction result to compare the performance.


Data Process

  • Binding affinity data and expression data

We use the dataset from Deep mutational scans for ACE2 binding, RBD expression, and antibody escape in the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 receptor binding domains. Use pretrained protein language model to extract protein sequence features, or download the extracted results from the table above.

Run the following script to do sequence filtering and to split training and testing sets.

cd perceive_evolutionary_trends/E2VD/attributes_train_and_predict/training/
  • Antibody escape data

The training process here is the same as Single site benchmark.

Binding affinity and expression

The training and testing process of binding affinity and expression are the same. Take binding affinity as example.

  • Training
cd perceive_evolutionary_trends/E2VD/attributes_train_and_predict/training/bind_train
python > output_train_all.txt 2>&1
  • Predicting

Calculate the statistical data of training features for test feature normalization.

cd perceive_evolutionary_trends/E2VD/attributes_train_and_predict/training/bind_train

Run the predicting script to do binding affinity prediction. Here we use .pickle file as an example to illustrate how to load testing data. Other data formats, such as .npy, .h5, can also be loaded by adjusting loading code.

cd perceive_evolutionary_trends/E2VD/attributes_train_and_predict/predicting

The predicted results are saved in .npy format.

Antibody escape

  • Training

Training script is the same as single_site_benchmark/escape/E2VD/customize/. Please modify the file paths in the code before running the code.

# training
python > output_escape_train.txt 2>&1

# testing
python > output_escape_test.txt 2>&1
  • Predicting

Calculate the statistical data of training features for test feature normalization, and run the predicting script to do prediction.

cd perceive_evolutionary_trends/E2VD/attributes_train_and_predict/predicting

The predicted results are saved in .npy format.

All the predicted results are integrated in figure_reproduction/perceive_evolutionary_trends/ to filter the high-risk sites, which is further discussed in Figure reproduction.


We calculate the difference of KL-divergence before and after in silico evolution as evolutionary score. We use BA.5 as an example.

First get initial sequences for in silico evolution. We listed the variants to use in, which are the same as those in our experiment.

cd perceive_evolutionary_trends/MLAEP

Download the pretrained checkpoint from MLAEP into perceive_evolutionary_trends/MLAEP/trained_model, and run synthetic code to do in silico evolution.

cd perceive_evolutionary_trends/MLAEP
python ./src/ 0.8 data/BA.5_origin.csv result/success_BA5.txt result/failed_BA5.txt

Compare the KL-divergence before and after evolution, and plot the result.

cd perceive_evolutionary_trends/MLAEP

Calculate AU-ROC

For E2VD, screen the sequences with predicted results.

python figure_reproduction/perceive_evolutionary_trends/

For MLAEP, will output the processed result.

Run the following code to calculate the AU-ROC of the result. Please choose the correponding columns to use for different models.

python perceive_evolutionary_trends/calculate_ROC/

The drawing of high-risk sites prediction can refer to Figure reproduction.

Evolutionary Trajectory

We use the binding affinity data and expression data before Omicron to train property prediction models for pre-Omicron lineages, and use the data after Omicron to train property prediction models for the sub-lineages of Omicron (same as Perceive evolutionary trends).

We use the dataset from Deep mutational scans for ACE2 binding, RBD expression, and antibody escape in the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 and BA.2 receptor binding domains. Use pretrained protein language model to extract protein sequence features, or download the extracted results from the table above (EvolutionaryTrajectory).

The data processing, the training and testing process are the same as Perceive evolutionary trends part. Please adjust the path to dataset first.

Figure reproduction

  • MT focal learning loss ablation

To reproduce Fig.4c, run the following code:

cd figure_reproduction/MT_loss_ablation
  • PCA visualization

For quick visualization of the PCA result, we provide the processed features in data/PCA_visualization, including features before LG module, features after LG module, and regression labels.

Run the following code to draw Fig.4b, Fig.S1a and Fig.S1b.

python figure_reproduction/PCA_visualization/
python figure_reproduction/PCA_visualization/
python figure_reproduction/PCA_visualization/

For quick visualization of the PCA result for other virus, we provide the processed features in data/other_virus/PCA_visualization, including features before LG module, features after LG module, and regression labels.

Run the following code to draw Fig.S3.

python figure_reproduction/PCA_visualization/
  • Mine rare beneficial mutation

For quick visualization, we provide our predicted result in data/mine_rare_beneficial_mutation.

Run the following code to draw Fig.4d and Fig.S2.

python figure_reproduction/mine_rare_beneficial_mutation/
  • Perceive evolutionary trends

Some of the drawing scripts are from SARS-CoV-2-reinfection-DMS. Thanks for their great work!

  1. To draw target curves, run figure_reproduction/perceive_evolutionary_trends/calculate_preference_target.ipynb or calculation/calculate_preference.ipynb in SARS-CoV-2-reinfection-DMS to generate tmp files, and run figure_reproduction/perceive_evolutionary_trends/draw_target.r to generate predicting target.

  2. To draw predicted curves, run figure_reproduction/perceive_evolutionary_trends/ to integrate all the predicted results to filter high-risk mutation sites, and run figure_reproduction/perceive_evolutionary_trends/draw_predict.r to generate predicting result.

Here is an example of the comparison between the statistical evolutionary trends and the predicted evolution trends of Omicron BA.5.


This project is covered under the Apache 2.0 License.


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Contributors 3
