Route Planning and Tracking Application Developed Using ROS2, Turtlebot3, A*, and PurePursuit
- Pure Pursuit algorithm has been optimized, providing route tracking optimization.
- B-Spline algorithm has been added for path waypoints, providing path smoothing and improving route tracking optimization.
- The Costmap algorithm has been optimized.
file has been added, enabling the map package and route tracking package to be run with a single command. Additionally, an RVIZ2 window is opened to visualize the current map and route. To use version v.0.2.0
, run the following code.
ros2 launch nav_controller
Start a Gazebo simulation world. For example;
export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger
ros2 launch turtlebot3_gazebo
Then, run the mapping package to perform mapping.
ros2 launch slam_toolbox
Run the PathPlanning-Tracking package.
ros2 run nav_controller control
Then, set the target point via rviz2.
- ROS2 - Humble
- Slam Toolbox
- Turtlebot3 Package
- Gazebo Simulator