- Swift
- UIKit
- Firebase
- CocoaPods
- Package Manager
- Programmatic UI
- Sign Up, Sign In and Sign Out features
- User can post text or a single image, or both of them, to a timeline
- User can delete their own post
- Post/Timeline view page
- User Profile page
- User can reset password. User will receive a customised email with password reset link (Please check Spam folder also).
- All size App icons included
- Create an account. Email and Password field are mandatory, others are optional. But putting all info will looks good. Password length must be 6 or more.
- If already have an account, you can directly login.
- If you forgot password, click forgot password and put your email. You will receive a customised email with password reset link (Please check Spam folder also).
- You will see empty timeline page. Because you didn't post any tweet yet and also not following anyone else.
- Write a tweet by clicking pencil button. Then write tweet and upload a image by clicking camera image.
- After clicking Tweet button you will see your Tweet on timeline page.
- You can delete tweet from Timeline page simply by swiping left.
- You can go to profile page by clicking profile image of navigation bar. By clicking Home tabbar, you can go back again to timeline page.
- You can sign out by clicking right button of navigation bar.
- Add Firebase package manager: , Dependency rule - up to next minor version 8.9.0
- install pod: pod 'SDWebImage', '~> 5.0'