Shadowsocks for OSX 2.6.3 has an issue of updating GFWList PAC, that returns error 404. The URL used during the update is hardcoded in the application and can not be changed easily.
This script get GFWList with a new URL and use gfwlist2pac to generate PAC and put it into the configuration directory of Shadowsocks.
This script is tested only with Max OS X.
pip install gfwlist2pac
pip install gfwlist2pac==1.1.3
git clone
sudo sh ./shadowsocks-gfwlist-macos/
crontab -e
Add entry (without virtualenv):
*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ >> /tmp/ss-gfwlist-update-error.log 2>&1
OR (with virtualenv, replace YOUR_VIRTUALENV with your virtualenv name)
*/5 * * * * { . ~/.bash_profile; pyenv activate YOUR_VIRTUALENV; /usr/local/bin/ss-gfwlist-update; } >> /tmp/ss-gfwlist-update-error.log 2>&1