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DREAM HOME - real estate project


About project :

This project is a real estate business project for advertising properties and showing them in a 360 degrees environment. HTML, CSS and JS used for front-end and NodeJS and ExpressJS used for back-end. The list of used technologies and packages mentioned in down of the page.

How it works ?

In order to make this project works in your local machine, you need some requirements :

clone the project :

  git clone

install dependencies :

open you terminal and insert the following commands :

  cd ./backend
  npm install
  cd ../frontend
  npm install
  cd ../cms
  npm install

import provided database file :

  • import DREAMHOME.agz - importing database guide
  • use BSON-mongodump archive to import
  • copy your mongoURI. it must be a string like this : mongodb://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<database>?<options> in this case it must be something like this : mongodb://myUserName:myPassword@ if you did not set any user name and password to your connection, you dont need to <username>:<password>@ section

create .env :

in your text editor go to backend directory and create a file called .env and set the following variables in the file

  • MONGO_URI=your connection string
  • COOKIE_SECRET=encryption key for cookies. you can get a random secret from here
  • JWT_SECRET=encryption key for tokens. you can get a random secret from here
  • EMAIL_SERVICE=gmail (you can use gmail accounts for sending email in nodemailer here is a guid for setup gmail account)
  • EMAIL_HOST_PORT=the port of email host (usualy its 587)
  • EMAIL_AUTH_USER=the gmail accounts user name (
  • EMAIL_AUTH_PASSWORD=the gmail app password that you got from your google account earlier
  • ORIGIN=http://localhost:3000/frontend/verify.html (this origin used to send a verification email to registered user)
  • RESET_ORIGIN=http://localhost:3000/frontend/resetpass.html (this origin used to send a reset password link to requested user)
  • NODE_ENV=development (in production mode it could be "production")
  • PORT=5000 the port of backend server works with.

start backend server :

open new terminal and insert following commands :

  cd ./backend

for development

  npm run dev

for production

  npm run start

start frontend with live server :

go to frontend directory and find index.html and open it with live server

!! Attention !!

your live server extension setting must be use 3000 as port and localhost as host. otherwise you will get CORS errors.

how to access CMS :

  1. if you don't using provided database, just create a new account with a valid email address. after validating your email, in user panel you can access to admins dashboard. (the first account will be considered as ROOTADMIN)
  2. if you did use provided database, use the user information below:

Languages, technologies and packages:

HTML5 CSS3 SASS Bootstrap SweetAlert2 JavaScript Swiper Chart.js Threejs Panolens JWT MongoDB NodeJS Express.js Font Awesome Google Fonts