Simple based Django application to request and sign custom SSL certificates
docker run -p 8000:8000 tchellomello/my-ssl-certs:latest
Define the default country for CA
Define the default state for CA
Define the default city for CA
Define the default organization for CA
Define the default organization unit for CA
Define the default email for CA
Define the default expiration days for CA
Define the default country for CERT
Define the default state for CERT
Define the default city for CERT
Define the default organization for CERT
Define the default organization unit for CERT
Define the default email for CERT
Define the default expiration days for CERT
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 \
-e CA_C='US' -e CA_ST='North Carolina' \
-e CA_L='Raleigh' -e CA_O='IT' -e CA_OUT='DTI' \
-e CA_EMAIL='' -e CA_DAYS=365 \