💡 In this dashboard, we explore different dimensions of the humanitarian crisis in Sudan using data from 2023 and 2024. Specifically, it presents data on internally displaced persons due to armed conflict, asylum applications filed by Sudanese citizens abroad, responses to asylum requests from Sudanese populations, and irregular migration of Sudanese individuals to Europe.
🔎 Different data sources and connectors: While it is worthwhile for enriching the report, it requires understanding the structure of the APIs and properly setting up the connections.
🗺️ Sudan map to the second level of administrative borders (districts). Finding a map of Sudan at this level of detail is not easy. Once located, the situation is as follows: the district names contained in the json file mostly do not match those in the IOM data, due to minor differences in the translation from Arabic to English. Additionally, Power BI's shape map visuals do not support .json format but rather topoJson, so it requires: modifying the metadata in the original file (to adapt the names to the dataset) and then converting its format to topoJson."
For this analysis, we are getting the following data:
1️⃣ Internally Displaced People Data, from the IOM DTM AP: https://dtm.iom.int/data-and-analysis/dtm-api
👉 Access the API directly from Power BI using the "Web" connector. You can find the URLs used in this repository at: IOM_api/urls.
👀 Two separate connections are made, as each one returns data from a specific tracking operation by IOM, with data that complements each other.
🚨 In Power Query, it's important to replace the default steps added when establishing the connection, as they don't return the data correctly. Specifically, you need to remove all steps up to the one immediately after the Source, and click on "List" in the result column. This list should then be converted back into a table, and in this way, you will be able to see the Records. Afterward, you need to click on the expand icon next to the column name (which by default is Column1).
2️⃣ Data on asylum applications filed by Sudanese nationals abroad and responses to these applications by receiving countries, from the UNHCR API: https://api.unhcr.org/docs/refugee-statistics.html
👉 Access the API directly from Power BI using the "Python script" connector. You can find the scripts in this repo at: scripts
👀 Since the base URL changes, each script is designed to handle the specific connection for either the asylum applications dataset or the decisions dataset.
3️⃣ Data on irregular arrivals to Europe, from the IOM Datasets database: https://dtm.iom.int/datasets
👉 Download the data and conect it using the Excel connector in Power BI. Find the dataset in this repo: data/DTM_Mixed Migration Flows to Europe_Q3_2024.xlsx & data/DTM_Mixed Migration Flows to Europe_Yearly_2023.xlsx
4️⃣ UNSD Countries and Regions. To provide greater consistency to the report, the dataset from the UNSD (United Nations Statistics Division) on countries and regions is incorporated, ensuring the use of standardized international nomenclatures.
👉 Find it at: data/Table of countries by UNCHR.xlsx
5️⃣ To construct the shape map, a topoJSON file containing the districts of Sudan (second-level administrative borders) is incorporated.
👉You can find it at this repo: visuals/Sudan.json
👀The original version came from: https://geoportal.icpac.net/layers/geonode:sudan_admin_leve2/metadata_detail
6️⃣ Finally, a table containing the current population data of Sudan is manually incorporated to calculate percentages based on this data in the report.
👉Data from: https://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/sudan
All the necessary transformations in this report are carried out through PowerQuery in Power BI.
🧹 Internally Displaced People Datasets.