Export records from Zeebe to Hazelcast. Hazelcast is an in-memory data grid which is used here as a message topic.
The exporter provides an easy way to connect multiple applications to Zeebe. For example, an application can use the exporter to send a notification when a new incident is created. Without the exporter, the application needs to implement its own exporter.
Add the Maven dependency to your pom.xml
Connect to Hazelcast and register a listener
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
HazelcastInstance hz = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig);
final ZeebeHazelcast zeebeHazelcast = new ZeebeHazelcast(hz);
zeebeHazelcast.addWorkflowInstanceListener(workflowInstance -> {
// ...
Add the nuget package zeebe hazelcast connector(???)
to your project.
Example usage:
// Start the Hazelcast Client and connect to an already running Hazelcast Cluster on
var hz = HazelcastClient.NewHazelcastClient();
// Get a Topic called "zeebe-deployments"
var topic = hz.GetTopic<byte[]>("zeebe-deployments");
// Add a Listener to the Topic
DeploymentListener.Consumer consumer = (record) => Console.WriteLine(record.ToString());
topic.AddMessageListener(new DeploymentListener(consumer));
Before you start the broker, copy the exporter JAR into the lib folder of the broker.
cp exporter/target/zeebe-hazelcast-exporter-%{VERSION}-jar-with-dependencies.jar ~/zeebe-broker-%{VERSION}/lib/
Register the exporter in the Zeebe configuration file ~/zeebe-broker-%{VERSION}/config/zeebe.cfg.toml
id = "hazelcast"
className = "io.zeebe.hazelcast.exporter.HazelcastExporter"
Now start the broker and the applications.
In the Zeebe configuration file, you can change
- the Hazelcast port
- the topic name prefix
- the value and record types which are exported
Default values:
id = "hazelcast"
className = "io.zeebe.hazelcast.exporter.HazelcastExporter"
# Hazelcast port
port = 5701
# Hazelcast topic prefix
topicPrefix = "zeebe-"
# comma separated list of io.zeebe.protocol.record.ValueType
# comma separated list of io.zeebe.protocol.record.RecordType
enabledRecordTypes = "EVENT"
# If true, the exporter update its position after publish the record to Hazelcast.
# Otherwise, it never update its position. On broker start, it will always start from the begin of the log.
# CAUTION! The broker can't delete data and may run out of disk space if set to false.
updatePosition = true
The exporter and the Java connector can be built with Maven
mvn clean install
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