BEM code for solving the heat equation.
More precisely, we solve the Dirichlet problem in a smooth domain Omega with boundary Gamma and a time interval I = (0,4)
Find u: Omega x I --> R satisfying:
(partial_t-Delta)u = 0, in Omega x I
u = 0, at Omega x {t=0}
u|_{Gamma x I} = g, in Gamma x I,
- Python 2.7
- numpy (tested with 1.8.2)
- scipy (tested with 0.13.3)
- matplotlib (tested with 1.3.1)
Running nosetests
in the root directory will run all the unit tests.
If you want to see the library in action, you can run:
PYTHONPATH=.:test python -i test/
This will run a longer calculation and keep a plot of the result open.