In this project, we have predicted fake job postings from a list of given jobs posted. The dataset has been picked from Kaggle which consists for 17,880 rows of job postings. This document describes Topic Modelling technique used in conjuction with Classification Models to predict fake jobs out of real ones with high accuracy.
The dataset contains:
- 17,880 rows
- 18 features
- 5 features (title, company_profile, description, requirements and benefits) are long texts
- Rest 13 features are mainly numeric fields or categorical data
The dataset is provided with Fraudulent column where value of 1 denotes the job is a fraud and 0 for real jobs.
Dataset contains lot of missing values which are used as a valid observation. It could mean that fake posts often have missing fields.
Following are the steps performed for data engineering:
- Replace null to string "missing" - instead of dropping missing, use as valid observation. It could mean that fake posts often have missing data
- Separate country, state and city from location column
- Drop non-english text entries
- Clean text columns - separate sentences, remove URLs, non-ascii characters, punctuation, extra spaces and white space
- Redefine education bins - some rows have "some high school coursework" or "high school or equivalent" etc. which are replaced with "less than high school" for generalizing it
- Drop salary column: it is very often missing and unsure what units are used in foreign countries, inconsistent time frame. There is no way to standardize this column for such wide range of values
Exploratory Data Analysis of this dataset can be found at this URL. It also contains detailed description of various analysis and insights found about the data.
We have used topic Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to find the number of topics and generate probability of each row. Later, we have used this extra feature in our classification models explained later. Sections of the code is adapted from link.
Here are the steps performed in Topic Modeling
- Combine text fields into single string
- Tokenize, remove stop words, lemmatize based on POS
- Build term frequency corpus
- Build LDA model
- Tune based on topic coherence. Specifically C_V coherence value
- Add topic probabilities as metadata to the dataset
Topic Coherence is the degree of sementic similarity between high scoring words in the topic. It is modern alternative to Perplexity which is how surprised a model is by the new data (normalized log-likelihood of held out test data). CV_coherence is a "measure based on sliding window, one-set segmentation of the top words and an indirect confirmation measure that uses Normalized Pointwise Mutual Information (NPMI) and cosine similarity." Link
- Number of topics
- Alpha
- Eta
- Selecting alpha and eta with built-in auto method which learns asymetric prior from the data
From Link: (assuming symmetric data), alpha represents document-topic density - with higher alpha, documents are made up of more topics and with lower alpha, documents contains fewer topics. Beta represents topic-word density - with high beta, topics are made up of most of the words in the corpus, and with low beta, they consists of few words.
Maximum coherence score with 22 topics.
The topics visualization can be found at [link].
Following are the steps performed:
- We created a blank dataframe and initialized with single column with value 0
- Looped through LDA result, create series with topic probabilities and append onto the dataframe
- Merged with the original dataset
- Finally, replaced missing with 0s: if topic is missing, then 0% probability in that topic
- All variables are categorical, create dummies and drop one level to avoid collinearity
- There are many values for countries, so created dummies only if more that 100 posts in that country
SMOTE sampling on the training data such that even number of observations with each class. This function also does 80/20 train/test split.
SMOTE: synethic minority over-sampling technique
Synthesize new examples for the minority class rather than oversample, which doesn't add any new information.
"… SMOTE first selects a minority class instance a at random and finds its k nearest minority class neighbors. The synthetic instance is then created by choosing one of the k nearest neighbors b at random and connecting a and b to form a line segment in the feature space. The synthetic instances are generated as a convex combination of the two chosen instances a and b"
SMOTE sampling on training data:
- Original number of fraudulent in data is 687
- Length of oversampled data is 26956
- Number of real in oversampled data 13478
- Number of fraudulent in oversampled data 13478
- Proportion of real data in oversampled data is 0.5
- Proportion of fraudulent data in oversampled data is 0.5
- Unregularized Logistic Regression
- Regularized (Lasso) Logistic Regression with Cross-Validation
- Ensemble Tree Models
We have used three versions:
- original imbalanced dataset
- balanced weighting
Metric | Value |
Accuracy | 0.9551101072840203 |
TPR Recall | 0.19653179190751446 |
TNR | 0.9940635203324428 |
FPR | 0.005936479667557139 |
FNR | 0.8034682080924855 |
Precision | 0.6296296296296297 |
Area under ROC | 0.5952976561199786 |
Area under PR | 0.16298560467949763 |
Metric | Value |
Accuracy | 0.8215697346132129 |
TPR Recall | 0.8092485549132948 |
TNR | 0.8222024339566637 |
FPR | 0.1777975660433363 |
FNR | 0.1907514450867052 |
Precision | 0.18944519621109607 |
Area under ROC | 0.8157254944349792 |
Area under PR | 0.16262502145543048 |
Metric | Value |
Accuracy | 0.8204404291360813 |
TPR Recall | 0.7976878612716763 |
TNR | 0.8216087859899079 |
FPR | 0.178391214010092 |
FNR | 0.2023121387283237 |
Precision | 0.18673883626522328 |
Area under ROC | 0.8096483236307922 |
Area under PR | 0.1588407258416689 |
We can see that imbalanced model is heavily biased towards accuracy and precision, not recall. SMOTE and class weighting are very similar.
- Cross Validation to choose regularization parameter
- No need to scale or normalize since all features are categorical or probabilities between 0 and 1
- refit = true means will refit with the best selected parameters after CV
- Fit without intercept so can include all topic levels (which sum to 1). Still need to remove 1 level from the other dummies.
- Increasing max_iter even to 5000 does not get rid of convergence warning
Iterations: repeat the following with each of these 4 scoring metrics: roc auc, accuracy, precision, recall
- Balanced weighting
- class_weighting = 'balanced'
- penalty = 'l1'
- fit(X_train, y_train)
- penalty = 'l1'
- fit(os_data_X, os_data_y)
- SMOTE with elastic net penalty
- SMOTE better than balanced weighting so keep with that
- penalty = 'elasticnet'
- l1_ratios = [0, .25, .5, .75, 1]
- fit(os_data_X, os_data_y)
- accuracy FPR = 0, FNR = 1. Almost always predicts real.
- ROC, precision, recall all pretty similar.
- Recall does the best at minimizing FNR (as is its purpose) and everything else is just slightly worse
- Precision more balanced, unclear which is better
- Baseline only slightly worse than tuned results
Best: Recall or precision
- best model: ROC (all effectively the same incl baseline)
Best: ROC
- Not materially different from lasso smote, not using
Very similar with some tradeoffs. Ultimately choosing SMOTE ROC as best model because most balanced between tradeoffs. The benefits of class weighting precision are small (precision, FPR) and worse in many areas (FNR, TPR)
Also, SMOTE was consistent across all 4 metrics and thus is a very robust model, likely would perform well on new data.
The lines show the 0.5 threshold. The threshold is appropriate because it reaches close to the top left of the graph and thus has a good tradeoff between FPR and TPR
Code modified from and
Specifically, guidance in how to and in what order to tune parameters from
We did train/test split + SMOTE sampling. No need to drop one level of dummies in this case.
Results with all default values. 3 iterations:
- Unbalanced original data
- Balanced class weighting.
Metric | Value |
Accuracy | 0.9757199322416714 |
TPR/recall | 0.5895953757225434 |
TNR | 0.9955476402493322 |
FPR | 0.004452359750667854 |
FNR | 0.41040462427745666 |
Precision | 0.8717948717948718 |
Area under ROC | 0.7925715079859378 |
Area Under PR | 0.5340513972079693 |
Metric | Value |
Accuracy | 0.9717673630717109 |
TPR/recall | 0.6936416184971098 |
TNR | 0.9860492727812408 |
FPR | 0.013950727218759276 |
FNR | 0.3063583815028902 |
Precision | 0.718562874251497 |
Area under ROC | 0.8398454456391753 |
Area Under PR | 0.5133884126597368 |
Metric | Value |
Accuracy | 0.9599096555618295 |
TPR/recall | 0.815028901734104 |
TNR | 0.9673493618284358 |
FPR | 0.032650638171564265 |
FNR | 0.18497109826589594 |
Precision | 0.5617529880478087 |
Area under ROC | 0.89118913178127 |
Area Under PR | 0.4668793647115093 |
- Imbalanced does better than in logistic - more fake predictions
- Class weighting relatively poor precision but good recall/TPR
- SMOTE fairly balanced
Ideally would do full grid search with all parameters, but resource needs too much so doing sequential tuning instead. Tune most parameters with high learning rate (0.3) and low number of estimators (100) so that reasonable amount of time. Last step is to select correct learning rate and estimator number.
- Max depth: maximum tree depth. Larger makes trees more complex, more likely to overfit
- Min child weight: minimum sum of weight needed in a child. Will stop splitting nodes if result is below this minimum
- Gamma: minimum loss reduction required for a tree split
- Subsample: percent of data sampled to grow trees at each iteration. Smaller subsamples prevents overfitting
- Colsample_bytree: percent of features used when constructing tree for each tree created
- Alpha: L1 regularization
- Lambda: L2 regularization
- Learning rate: how quickly trees learn/update in iterations.
- Number of estimators: number of trees/iterations
Fit models with each of the 4 scoring metrics for both SMOTE and class weighted data.
- All very similar, ROC slightly better across most metrics
- Recall results in worse precision
- Concerns about overfitting: when training, ROC was 0.999 but 0.83 on testing data. Worried that if get new test data, won't perform well because too variable.
Best: ROC
- ROC overall most balanced. Very similar to precision
- Recall much higher TPR, FPR. Low precision
- Baseline better ROC and FNR than tuned models. But worse precision.
Best: ROC
Class Weighting better in all categories and less overfit.
Insights: XGBoost overall better for accuracy, TNR, precision, FPR, ROC. Worse for TPR and FNR, but by small amounts
Best model: XGBoost, class weighting, ROC scoring
Thoughts on tradeoffs:
Originally thought we wanted to minimize FNR/maximize recall so that job seekers don't think a fake job is real. However, never do a good job in any model of really minimizing FNR.
However, can do a very good job of maximizing precision and minimizing FPR. Thus very rarely predict a real job is fake. This actually has benefits to the job seekers (don't miss out on opportunities) and the companies (don't have their posts labeled as fake).
Would need disclaimers that this does not guarentee the post is not fake, just provides a first pass to filter some out. Please still be vigilant.
Metric | Value |
Accuracy | 0.9776962168266516 |
TPR/recall | 0.7167630057803468 |
TNR | 0.9910952804986642 |
FPR | 0.008904719501335707 |
FNR | 0.2832369942196532 |
Precision | 0.8051948051948052 |
Area under ROC | 0.8539291431395054 |
Area Under PR | 0.5909678409050111 |