v6.2.1: Fix some warnings about imports
This fixes the following warnings in v6.2.0
$ eslint ./src --fix && eslint ./tests --fix && tsc --noEmit --pretty && svelte-check
node_modules/approvals/lib/Core/Options.ts:2:1 - error TS1371: This import is never used as a value and must use 'import type' because 'importsNotUsedAsValues' is set to 'error'.
2 import {Namer} from "../Namer";
node_modules/approvals/lib/Providers/Jest/JestApprovals.ts:3:1 - error TS6133: 'getJestNamer' is declared but its value is never read.
3 import {getJestNamer} from "./JestNamer";
Found 2 errors in 2 files.
Errors Files
1 node_modules/approvals/lib/Core/Options.ts:2
1 node_modules/approvals/lib/Providers/Jest/JestApprovals.ts:3