JavaScript utilities helpers to enhance super faster developer experience, productivity, and optimized performance. Compatible with both browsers and limited NodeJS support.
Fast, generic JavaScript utilities helpers to boost your project productivity and performance
Best NPM Packages and Vite Plugins" - Uncover user-friendly tools that boost performance and simplify tasks in your Vite-based web development. From streamlining workflows to adding exciting features, find everything you need to take your projects to the next level.
- vite-svg | Vite SVG plugin: effortless SVG import with support for various formats (JSON, raw string, object, etc.).
- vite-sitemap | The plugin helps to create a sitemap in the vite project.
Jump to a specific section to help with this overview
- Installation Easily install with and start using.
- Usage Please look at the section before start the package.
- Common Necessary JavaScript utility functions and methods.
- Theme Utilies theme with local storage and easily control them
- Clipboard Copy text/image to clipboard function for browser
- Convert Convert price, symbol, string, number etc.
- Cookies cookies uses secure level encrypted data (only browsers)
- Datetime convience function to convert date and time (comming more..)
- Detection detection device theme scheme and browser information etc.
- Encryption simple xor and window crypto encryption with secret key
- Errors Errors to string convert to display message
- Exporting Exportion pdf,docs files with client side javascript
- Generate generate random string, randmo number, uuid and much more
- Load load dom, elements, images and many more functions (only browser)
- Math simple math calculations in javascript applications
- Storage local storage, session used to get, save data (only browser)
- String remove html from string and modify a string (comming more...)
- URL modify url/string is very convenient by using this package
- Validation validate client side email, number, form field ete.
- Author Package author details and github page
- Developers Developers maintaince repository and command scripts
- License MIT License
Install with npm
npm i utilies
or Install with yarn
yarn add utilies
or Install with pnpm
pnpm install utilies
import { yourfunctions } from 'utilies'
import * as utilies from 'utilies'
Detect device schema
import { themeSchema } from 'utilies'
themeSchema // output : dark or light base on device theme schema
Detect device dark schema
import { isDarkSchema } from 'utilies'
isDarkSchema // output : true or false base on device theme schema
// or use isDark
Set theme to local storage
import { setTheme } from 'utilies'
setTheme('dark') // save the dark theme to local storage
Get Theme from saved storage
import { getTheme , theme } from 'utilies'
getTheme() // your saved theme dark or light or system
getTheme('my_theme') // with storage key name (optional)
theme // output: dark or light > work save as getTheme if don't have storage key name
Get theme condiction
import { themeIs , theme } from 'utilies'
themeIs('dark',theme) // true
themeIs('light', theme) // false
Use try-catch in single line
import { catchOrNull, catchOR } from 'utilies';
//e.g catchOrNull( callback, callbackError )
catchOrNull(()=> 'Hello World!'); //output: Hello World!
function helloWorld(){
throw "Server Error";
//will not throw exception ereror
catchOrNull(helloWorld); //output: null
catchOR(helloWorld, false); //output: false
catchOR(helloWorld, 0); //output: 0
//get error message
catchOrNull(helloWorld, function(error){
console.log('Custom: ',error)
Copy text/image to clipboard using window navigator clipboard or fallback document textarea.
//copy text to clipboard
toClipboard("hello world");
copyToClipboard("hello world");
//copy image to clipboard
const imageUrl = "image/examples/image.png";
//formate the prite for payment gateway : stipe or anything else
//Currency to symbol
currencyToSymbol("USD"); //output: $
Our online rgb to hex tool rgbToHex | hexToRgb
rgbToHex(10, 20, 100); //output: hex string: #0a1464
hexToRgb("#1a098b"); //output: { red: number, green: number, blue: number } or null
query string parameters to json object
queryTojson('name=Javascript&ext=js&founder=Brendan Eich');
//output: { name: 'Javascript', ext: 'js', founder: 'Brendan Eich' }
set cookie only for client side document cookies so please when use client side cookies make sure doesn't have sensitive information (only browsers supports)
const cookieName = "cookie-name";
const cookieValue = "example_value";
const cookieDays = 30;
const cookiePath = ""; // optional
setCookie(cookieName, cookieValue, cookieDays , cookiePath);
getCookie(cookieName) // output: example_value;
hasCookie(cookieName); //output: true or false;
format date/time with your on choose by using js built-in option of toLocaleString (browsers / NodeJS supports)
//common js
const { toDate } = require('utilies'); // common js required with name import
toDate("2023-03-28 20:04:10"); // output: Mar 28, 23
const utils = require('utilies'); // common js import all
utils.toDate("2023-03-28 20:04:10"); // output: Mar 28, 23
//es6 module import syntax
toDate("2023-03-28 20:04:10"); // output: Mar 28, 23
toDatetime("2023-03-28 20:04:10"); // output: Mar 28, 23 08:04 PM
toDate("2023-03-28 20:04:10"); // output: Mar 28, 23
toTime("2023-03-28 20:04:10"); // output: 08:04 PM
* custom format for all date functions are same
* options details
toDatetime("2023-03-28 20:04:10", options);
const language = 'en-US' //or ['en-US', 'en-GB'];
toDatetime("2023-03-28 20:04:10", options, language);
toTime("2023-03-28 20:04:10", options, language);
toDate("2023-03-28 20:04:10", options, language);
Get system theme schema, check is mobile, is touch device etc (browsers)
//get device theme schema
console.log(is_dark); //output: true or false
console.log(deviceTheme); //output: dark or light
console.log(systemTheme); //output: dark or light
//device is mobile device or not
console.log(isMobile) //output: true or false
//detect is touch device
console.log(isTouchDevice) //output: true or false
Use simple encryption in javascript application browser and nodejs environment
//encrypted text using secret key
const encrypted = encryptSync('Hello world!', 'my_secret')
console.log('Encrypted: ', encrypted)//Encrypted: JRwzHwpDBQoGAR1+
//decrypted text using secret key and encrypted
const decrypted = decryptSync('JRwzHwpDBQoGAR1+', 'my_secret')
console.log('Decrypted: ', decrypted) //Decrypted: Hello world!
Any Errors to string/text (browsers / NodeJS supports)
//any error to string
errorToString(['unknow', 'fatal error']) //output: "unknow, fatal error"
extractError(['unknow', 'fatal error']) //output: "unknow, fatal error"
//extract many errors to a string
errorsToString('error 1', 'error 2') //output: "error 1, error 2"
// or
extractErrors('error 1', 'error 2') //output: "error 1, error 2"
Export to pdf, docs (Only browsers supports)
exportToDocs("filename", "Hello world");
exportToPdf("filename", "Hello world", options); //options is optional
options accpeted properties
width: 800,
height: 660,
top: 100,
left: 100,
generateToken(10) // output: e.g: GkF25LJxSI
//generate random number between start number to end number
random(10, 100)//output: between 10, 100
//generate unique id by crypto
uniqid() //output: random string
//with length
//with prefix
uniqid('cg_') //output: cg_omvowejg
//random string similar to uniqid but without dash
randomString(20, 'cg_') //output: random string e.g cg_omvowejg
//generate image url for avatar by latters
avatar("Javascript"); //output:
uuid(); //output: string unique uuid
uuidv1(); //output: string unique uuidv1
uuidv4(); //output: string unique uuidv4
Load/observer images, elements etc (Only browsers supports)
//load image by url in javascript
loadImage("image-url.png").then(function (image) {
}).catch((err)=> {
console.lor('imge error: ', err);
//image load will be completes when it gose to view
//The system work efficiently by using under IntersectionObserver
lazyLoadImage("image-url.png").then(function (image) {
}).catch((err)=> {
console.lor('imge error: ', err);
//elements load will be completes when it gose to view
//The system work efficiently by using under IntersectionObserver
const elm = document.queySelector("section");
lazyLoadElm(elem).then(function (elm) {
.catch((err)=> {
console.lor('element load error: ', err);
//When a element is in the viewport
const element = document.querySelector('#element');
isElementInViewport(element) //output: true when the element is in view
isViewElm(element) //output: true when the element is in view
Loan interest calculate (browsers / NodeJS supports)
loanPerMonth(amount, interest, duration); //output: number of loan per month
loanPerYear(amount, interest, duration); //output: number of loan per month
loanPerday(amount, interest, duration); //output: number of loan per month
Session storage working with browser session storage
setSession("sessionName", "Hello World!");
getSession("sessionName");// output: "Hello World!"
//set object and return object
setSession("sessionName", { text: 'Hello'});
getSession("sessionName");// output: { text: 'Hello'}
//set number and return number
setSession("sessionName", 120);
getSession("sessionName");// output: 120
// The session is removed
local storage browser local storage
setStorage("store_name", "Hello World!");
getStorage("store_name");// output: "Hello World!"
//set object and return object
setStorage("store_name", { text: 'Hello'});
getStorage("store_name");// output: { text: 'Hello'}
//set number and return number
setStorage("store_name", 120);
getStorage("store_name");// output: 120
// The session is removed
themeStorage The theme store using built-in localStorage
getThemeStore(); // output: dark
//theme storage with key name defined
setThemeStore("light", 'app_theme');
getThemeStore('app_theme'); // output: light
Modify a string, html string tags to valid text etc (browsers/NodeJS supports)
//remove html characters from string
removeHtml("<h1>Hello world</h1>"); // output: Hello world
//css duration to milliseconds
cssDurationToMillisecond("1s"); // output: 1000
cssDurationToMillisecond("100ms"); // output: 100
cssToMillisecond('1s'); // output: 1000
Get Home url (only browsers support)
import { url } from "utilies";
//Get home url only browser support
url() //output:
url('hello-world') //output:
url(['hello','world']) //output:
Get text to seo url and seo url to text (browsers / NodeJS supports)
// text to seo friendly url
textToSeo("Hello: I am javascript"); //output: hello-i-am-javascript
toSeoUrl("Hello: I am javascript"); //output: hello-i-am-javascript
//seo url to valid text
seoToString("hello-iam-javascript"); //output: hello i am javascript
seoToText("hello-iam-javascript"); //output: hello i am javascript
urlToText("hello-iam-javascript") //output: hello i am javascript
Add/remove slash from a url (browsers / NodeJS supports)
//add slash end of the url
addSlash(""); //output:
addSlash(""); //output:
addSlash(""); //output:
//add slash to start and end of the url
addSlashs(""); //output: /
addSlashs(""); //output: /
//remove slashes from a string url
//remove slash from a url start and end of the url
unSlash(""); //output:
unSlash("/"); //output:
//remove slash from left side of path or url
unSlashL("/"); //output:
//remove slash from right side of path or url
unSlashR("/"); //output: /
Path/URL join (support NodeJS & Browsers by module support)
pathJoin('', 'hello', false, [], {name: 'Saeed'}, 10)
pathJoin('', 'hello', false, ['new', 'task'], { name: 'Saeed' }, 10)
//or might be urlJoin is pathJoin
query string parameters to json object
import { queryTojson } from 'utilies';
queryTojson('name=Javascript&ext=js&founder=Brendan Eich');
//output: { name: 'Javascript', ext: 'js', founder: 'Brendan Eich' }
Validate email, phone number (browsers / NodeJS supports)
isMail(""); //ouput: true
isMail(""); //output: false
isPhoneNumber("abc10832749"); //output: false
isPhoneNumber("10986499204"); //output: true
Saeed Web Developer
git clone
# TypeScript build
npm run build # test and compile typeScript
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