Performs a backup of a directory containing application files by creating a zip archive appended with the current date and time, and moving it to a specified backup directory location. Checks the specified backup directory location and only keeps the latest 2 files older than 2 weeks.
- Powershell, Version 5.1.14409.1018 or higher
- Pester, Version 4.9.0 or higher (to run unit tests)
- Windows 10 / Windows Server 2012 or higher
This script can be run in three different ways:
Provide the arguments exclusively
.\Backup-Application -sourceDirectoryPath "D:\WwwRoot\ApplicationName" -backupDirectoryPath "D:\Backups" -applicationName "ApplicationName"
Provide the arguments in the correct order
.\Backup-Application "D:\WwwRoot\ApplicationName" "D:\Backups" "ApplicationName"
Provide the script name, press Enter, and input the required arguments at the command prompt.
Backup a directory that contains no spaces
PS > .\Backup-Application -sourceDirectoryPath "D:\WwwRoot\MyAwesomeApplication" -backupDirectoryPath "D:\Temp\Backups" -applicationName "MyAwesomeApplication"
Backup a directory that contains spaces
PS > .\Backup-Application -sourceDirectoryPath "D:\WwwRoot\My Awesome Application" -backupDirectoryPath "D:\Temp\Backups" -applicationName "My Awesome Application"
There are tests created with Pester than can be run to verify the script functionality. The tests are configured to run with Pester version 4.9.0. To check your Pester version, run the following command in PowerShell
Get-Module -Name "Pester"
If you are running a lower version, follow the installation steps here
To run the tests, open PowerShell, navigate to the project root folder and run the following commands
cd Tests