Open up Stripe Checkout without any hassle.
npm install stripe-checkout
const Stripe = require('stripe-checkout')
// configure and start lazy-loading the stripe script
// I'll usually just stick this on the top of the page
// so stripe is all loaded by the time we want to open
// up checkout.
const stripe = Stripe({
// don't put your secret here!
key: process.env.STRIPE_CLIENT_ID
// later in your application, when the user
// clicks on a button or something, call
// this to open up stripe checkout.
locale: 'auto',
name: 'Your Website',
description: 'Small website blurb',
amount: 10 * 100,
email: '',
allowRememberMe: false,
image: ''
}).then(function(token) {
if (!token) {
console.log('user closed stripe checkout without filling in credentials')
console.log('send this token to the server', token)