e24payment-php is an implementation in PHP of E24PaymentPipe java classes. It allows to connect to online credit card payment from http://www.aciworldwide.com/ .
Gateways that use this include:
- KNET - http://www.knet.com.kw/
- BENEFIT - http://www.benefitco.com.bh/
- Intesa San Paolo - http://www.intesasanpaolobank.al/
$payment = new e24PaymentPipe;
$payment->setCurrency("840"); //USD
$payment->setAction("1"); // 1 = Purchase
if (strlen($payment->getErrorMsg()) > 0) {
echo $payment->getErrorMsg();
header('Location: ' . $payment_id = $payment->paymentPage . '?PaymentID=' . $payment->paymentId);
This requires php 5.2 in order to work. (Uses ZipArchive - also a PECL extension)
http://www.logisticsworld.com/currency.asp - Find your currency code here.
This library origonally written by Paolo Carlo Pomi, that had not been updated since 2009. It did not work with php 5. I have removed a dependency that it had with "pclzip.lib.php" and used the native php 5 functionality for zip.