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Larz White edited this page Aug 10, 2017 · 18 revisions

This section is for maintainers of the project.

Creating a Release

  • Make sure you have a milestone named after the release e.g. 1.0.0, and all closed issues for the release are linked to the github milestone. Furthermore, an issue should have a label.
  • Create a release branch git checkout -b release-1.0.0 and run .\build.ps1 -Target Pre-Release.
  • Commit the changes git commit -am '[skip ci] Preparing for release 1.0.0' then merge and push them into the master branch.
  • Tag the master branch git tag -s -a "1.0.0" -m "1.0.0" and push the tag git push origin "1.0.0".
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