quick analysis network data based on networkit.
git clone https://github.com/carlons/network_scanner.git
cd dist/
sudo pip3 install network_scanner-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
Network data file
Only support edgelist format. Each row has two columns which seperated by tab. The first column is source id, and the second column is target id.
For example:
1 2
1 33
3 42
45 67
Index file:
This file records the name of each node in the network. It has two columns which seperated by tab. The first column is node id, and the second column is node name. For example:
1 'hello'
2 'world'
3 'three'
33 'John'
42 'Ramos'
45 'Ronaldo'
67 'Ozil'
Complete codes are in example.py.
First import necessary moudle.
import network_scanner
from network_scanner.networkit_based import degree_analysis
from network_scanner.networkit_based import calculate_betweeness
from network_scanner.networkit_based import centrality_analysis
from network_scanner.networkit_based import networkit_util
from network_scanner.networkit_based import networkit_analysis
Then set global parameters.
filepath = './input/toy_graph'
label = 'toy'
outpath = './output/' + label + '/'
Now we can scan this network.
networkit_analysis.analysis(filepath, label, outpath, directed=False)
networkit_analysis.analysis(filepath, label, outpath, directed=True)
- get top k's name
false_id_value_filename = outpath + 'toy-falseid-degree'
map_filename = outpath + 'undirected-toy-map-node-ids'
index_filename = './input/index'
result_filename = outpath + label + 'degree-top-k-trueid-value'
k = 3
paras = {'false_id_value_filename': false_id_value_filename, 'map_filename': map_filename,
'index_filename': index_filename, 'result_filename': result_filename, 'k': k
- fit powerlaw distribution
net = networkit_util.readnetwork(filepath, directed=False)
degree_analysis.get_deg_seq(net, label, outpath, degree_type='all')
degree_seq_filename = outpath + 'toy-all-degree'
degree_analysis.power_law_analysis(degree_seq_filename, label, outpath, degree_type='all')
- indegree vs outdegree
indeg_falseid_value_filename = outpath + 'toy-falseid-indegree'
outdeg_falseid_value_filename = outpath + 'toy-falseid-outdegree'
map_filename = outpath + 'directed-toy-map-node-ids'
index_filename = './input/index'
result_filename = outpath + label + 'indeg-vs-outdeg'
paras = {'indeg_falseid_value_filename': indeg_falseid_value_filename,
'outdeg_falseid_value_filename': outdeg_falseid_value_filename, 'map_filename': map_filename,
'index_filename': index_filename, 'result_filename': result_filename}
net = networkit_util.readnetwork(filepath, directed=False)
lcc_subgraph = networkit_util.get_lcc_subgraph(net)
logging.info('plot hop...')
paras = dict(net=lcc_subgraph, label=label, outpath=outpath)
logging.info('estimate average shortest path')
sample_num = 100
logging.info('sample size: {0}'.format(sample_num))
asp = networkit_util.get_average_shortest_path_appro(lcc_subgraph, sample_num=sample_num)
logging.info('estimated average shortest path: {0}'.format(asp))
net = networkit_util.readnetwork(filepath, directed=False)
calculate_clustering_coefficient.get_exact_clustering_coefficient(net, label, outpath)
net = networkit_util.readnetwork(filepath, directed=False)
calculate_betweeness.get_betweeness(net, label, outpath)
pagerank_filename = outpath + 'toy-pagerank-falseid-value'
map_filename = outpath + 'directed-toy-map-node-ids'
top_k_list = centrality_analysis.get_top_k_id(pagerank_filename, map_filename, 3)
index_filename = './input/index'
top_k_name = centrality_analysis.get_top_k_name(top_k_list, index_filename)
centrality_analysis.power_law_analysis(pagerank_filename, 'pagerank', label, outpath)