- To create a list for your world, go to create page, insert it name in the input and click in create list.
- If theres a list with the same name, increase the list number to create it.
- To log-in an existent list, insert it name in the input and click in Log-in List.(you need to put it number in the cyan input in case theres another list with the same name)
- You can see the list itens in the List Content, There will be a server message saying that the list has been created.
- Add items to the list in the Add Item section, You can add a simple item (emerald), or tag it with Important (nether star).
- Add Item: You can customize your itens when adding it to the list!
- Item Selector: select a random item of the list, you can choose if it will select all the list, only normal or only important items.
- Crafting Guide: this will add a small list of items you need to craft what you want.
- Commands: You can change to dark theme now, download your list and add a password. (if theres a "Sus Mode" option, do not active it)
- To better use your list, I am adding new functions in the site!
To protect your list, go to the -Commands section and add a password.