Hello, I hope you like my Disney smart contract!
In this smart contract, simulate how it would be to create functions in solidity for a Disney park, where Disney can configure the available attractions, a menu for park visitors, even a token (which would be the "Tickes" of the park, we could even buy food , etc).
It was fun because while I was doing it, I could imagine how great it would be to enjoy this smart contract in real life, how simple it would be and how it would improve our experience as a user, without counting the benefits that as a company should have, being able to know what they consume and what attractions your customers enjoy, etc.
You can see the smart contract on Etherscan: Token
npm install
Drop all necessary dependencies
- Solidity
- Remix -Ethereum-IDE
- Metamask
- Fake ETH (🚨 Note: Goerli Faucet)
Prettier offers support for multiple languages and frameworks. What offers is to take your code and "re-format" it based on the defined settings thus maintaining a consistent style. Making it much more readable and without worrying about how you write it initially.
Link to install prettier: Prettier
Link to install a prettier plugin for automatically formatting your Solidity code: Prettier
Contributions are always welcome! Open a PR or an issue!
Thank you! 😊