special project to host Patch Suppressions
or at repo.
Filter SuppressionPatchFilter(Checker level) only accepts audit events for Check violations whose line number belong to added/changed lines in patch file and will suppress all Checks’ violation messages which are not from added/changed lines. If there is no configured patch file or the optional is set to true and patch file was not found the Filter suppresses all audit events.
name | description | type | default value |
file | Specify the location of the patch file. | String | null |
optional | Control what to do when the file is not existing. If optional is set to false the file must exist, or else it ends with error. On the other hand if optional is true and file is not found, the filter suppresses all audit events. |
boolean | false |
strategy | Control suppression scope that you need. If startegy is set to newline , it only accepts audit events for Check violations whose line number belong to added lines in patch file. patchedline will accept added/changed lines. |
String | newline |
neverSuppressedChecks | String has user defined Checks to never suppress if files are touched, split by comma. This property is useful for Checks that place violation on whole file or on not all (first/last) occurrence of cause/violated code. | String | null |
For example, the following configuration fragment directs the Checker to use a SuppressionPatchFilter with patch file config/file.patch:
<module name="com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.filters.SuppressionPatchFilter">
<property name="file" value="config/file.patch" />
<property name="strategy" value="newline" />
the following configuration fragment direts the Checker to use a SuppressionPatchFilter
with patch file config/file.patch, whose strategy is patchedline
,and never suppress
checks Translation
and UniqueProperties
<module name="com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.filters.SuppressionPatchFilter">
<property name="file" value="config/file.patch" />
<property name="strategy" value="patchedline" />
<property name="neverSuppressedChecks" value="Translation,UniqueProperties" />
Filter SuppressionJavaPatchFilter(TreeWalker level) has three different strategies that control suppression
scope. if property strategy
is set to newline
, then it only accepts TreeWalker audit events for TreeWalker
Check violations whose line number belong to added lines in patch file and will suppress all TreeWalker Checks’
violation messages which are not from added lines. if property strategy
is set to patchedline
, it will accept
all violations whose line number belong to added/changed lines in patch file. if property strategy
is set to context
for checks listed in supportContextStrategyChecks
, it will not only accept violations whose line number belong to added/changed/deleted lines,
but also consider a wider context that new code introduces violations outside of added/changed lines, but its child nodes in added/changed lines,
for checks not listed in supportContextStrategyChecks
, it will accept violations whose line number belong to added/changed/deleted lines in patch file.
If there is no configured patch file or the optional is set to true and patch file was not found the Filter suppresses all audit events.
Note that it's ok to use all four properties (supportContextStrategyChecks
, checkNameForContextStrategyByTokenOrParentSet
, checkNameForContextStrategyByTokenOrAncestorSet
), and the context scope of the three is also growing, for TreeWalker checks only in one of the property, its context scope is the same as that property,
if in two or all properties, then the The context scope is the maximum scope.
Attention: supportContextStrategyChecks
and checkNameForContextStrategyByTokenOrParentSet
, checkNameForContextStrategyByTokenOrAncestorSet
only have effect when the strategy
property is set to context
, neverSuppressedChecks
is no such requirement.
name | description | type | default value |
file | Specify the location of the patch file. | String | null |
optional | Control what to do when the file is not existing. If optional is set to false the file must exist, or else it ends with error. On the other hand if optional is true and file is not found, the filter suppresses all audit events. |
boolean | false |
strategy | Control suppression scope that you need. If startegy is set to newline , it only accepts TreeWalker audit events for TreeWalker Check violations whose line number belong to added lines in patch file. patchedline will accept added/changed lines. if strategy is set to context , for checks listed in supportContextStrategyChecks , it will accept violations whose line number belong to added/changed/deleted lines and new code introduces violations outside of added/changed lines, but its child nodes in added/changed lines, for checks not listed in supportContextStrategyChecks , it will accept violations whose line number belong to added/changed/deleted lines in patch file. |
String | newline |
supportContextStrategyChecks | String has user defined Checks that support context strategy | String | null |
checkNamesForContextStrategyByTokenOrParentSet | String has user defined TreeWalker Checks that need modify violation nodes to their parent node to expand the context scope, split by comma | String | null |
checkNamesForContextStrategyByTokenOrAncestorSet | String has user defined TreeWalker Checks that need modify violation nodes to their ancestor node to expand the context scope, split by comma | String | null |
neverSuppressedChecks | String has user defined TreeWalker Checks to never suppress if files are touched, split by comma. This property is useful for Checks that place violation on whole file or on not all (first/last) occurrence of cause/violated code. | String | null |
Currently, the following checks support checkNamesForContextStrategyByTokenOrAncestorSet
other checks using this property will get the same effect like checkNamesForContextStrategyByTokenOrParentSet
- ArrayTrailingComma
- AvoidNestedBlocks
- CommentsIndentation
- DefaultComesLast
- DeclarationOrder
- EqualsHashCode
- FinalLocalVariable
- FallThrough
- RightCurly
Currently, the following checks will suppress some violations that should not be suppressed when using supportContextStrategyChecks
And you can use checkNamesForContextStrategyByTokenOrParentSet
, checkNamesForContextStrategyByTokenOrAncestorSet
or neverSuppressedChecks
to get the larger context scope to solve this problem:
- ParameterNumberCheck
- SuperClone
- SuperFinalize
- BooleanExpressionComplexity
- OverloadMethodsDeclarationOrder
- UnnecessarySemicolonInEnumeration
Also, the following checks will suppress some violations that should not be suppressed when using supportContextStrategyChecks
or checkNamesForContextStrategyByTokenOrParentSet
So you need use checkNamesForContextStrategyByTokenOrAncestorSet
or neverSuppressedChecks
to solve this problem:
- ArrayTrailingComma
- AvoidNestedBlocks
- CommentsIndentation
- DefaultComesLast
- DeclarationOrder
- EqualsHashCode
- FinalLocalVariable
- FallThrough
- RightCurly
- VariableDeclarationUsageDistance
Then the following checks will suppress some violations that should not be suppressed unless you use
- CovariantEquals
- EmptyLineSeparator
- CustomImportOrder
- ImportOrder
- RedundantImport
- UnusedImports
- PackageDeclaration
- MissingJavadocPackage
- MissingJavadocType
- OuterTypeNumberCheck
- OuterTypeFilename
- NoCodeInFileCheck
- Regexp
- AtclauseOrder
- JavadocMethod
- JavadocParagraph
- SummaryJavadoc
For example, the following configuration fragment directs the Checker to use a SuppressionJavaPatchFilter
with patch file config/file.patch and strategy is newline
<module name="com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.filters.SuppressionJavaPatchFilter">
<property name="file" value="config/file.patch" />
<property name="strategy" value="newline" />
the following configuration fragment directs the Checker to use a SuppressionJavaPatchFilter
with patch file config/file.patch and strategy is patchedline
<module name="com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.filters.SuppressionJavaPatchFilter">
<property name="file" value="config/file.patch" />
<property name="strategy" value="patchedline" />
the following configuration fragment direts the Checker to use a SuppressionJavaPatchFilter
with patch file config/file.patch, whose strategy is context
support context strategy check MethodLength
and never suppress checks EmptyBlock
and HiddenField
<module name="com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.filters.SuppressionJavaPatchFilter">
<property name="file" value="config/file.patch" />
<property name="strategy" value="context" />
<property name="supportContextStrategyChecks" value="MethodLength," />
<property name="neverSuppressedChecks" value="EmptyBlock,HiddenField" />
the following configuration fragment direts the Checker to use a SuppressionJavaPatchFilter
with patch file config/file.patch, whose strategy is context
expand SuperFinalize
's context scope to parents' node
and expand EqualsHashCode
, FinalLocalVariable
's context scope to ancestors' node :
<module name="com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.filters.SuppressionJavaPatchFilter">
<property name="file" value="config/file.patch" />
<property name="strategy" value="context" />
<property name="checkNamesForContextStrategyByTokenOrParentSet" value="SuperFinalize," />
<property name="checkNamesForContextStrategyByTokenOrAncestorSet" value="EqualsHashCode,FinalLocalVariable" />
- Checkstyle repository need to be cloned.
- Contribution repository need to be cloned.
Just clone this repository to your local.
$ git clone git@github.com:checkstyle/patch-filters.git
Because patch-filter has not been merged by Checkstyle, so you should local install this repository——patch-filters
$ cd /path/to/patch-filters
$ mvn clean install
then checkout to patch-filter-jar
in contribution repo
$ cd /path/to/checkstyle-contribution
$ git checkout patch-filter-jar
Firstly, you need to do is to modify projects-to-test-on.properties and test project that you want.
For example, if I want to test guava
, then I will only remove # before guava
(anything that starts with #
is considered a comment and is ignored.) and remove the specific version to change
to guava|git|https://github.com/google/guava||
, which aims to avoid auto checkout to the specific version in diff.groovy
Secondly, you need to set baseConfig.xml and patchConfig.xml by yourself.
baseConfig does not need any checks in it and set severity
to ignore
like <property name="severity" value="ignore"/>
patchConfig need Checks and patch-filter, added checks can refer to here, you can skip Translation Check and checks that reuqires extra config file (Header and RegExpHeader), patchfilter setting is like:
<module name="com.puppycrawl.tools.checkstyle.filters.SuppressionPatchFilter">
<property name="file" value="${checkstyle.patchfilter.patch}"/>
You can find GeneratePatchFileLauncher
in /path/to/patch-filters/src/main/java/com/github/checkstyle/generatepatchfile/
then add seven follow program arguments in Run/Debug Configurations:
# RepoPath of repository that will be checked by checkstyle, here example is guava
# Path of checkstyle
# Path of checkstyle-tester
# Patch-branch name of checkstyle, which can be any branch except master, because checkstyle-tester's diff mode
# not allow the baseBranch and patchBranch have the same name, you can create a new branch based on master which
# does not need any changes, here is branch name for example patch-filter
# path to the base checkstyle configuration file. It will be applied to base branch
# path to the patch checkstyle config file. It will be applied to patch-filter branch
# commit parameter will be used to create patch-filter report
# if commit parameter is number then the Generator will work in sequence mode,
# for example if commit parameter is 4, then 3 reports that represent
# the first three commits in HEAD branch will be created.
4 # sequence mode
# Attention: num should be greater than 1, because if num is 1, no report will be created.
# if commit parameter is a comma separated list of commit hashes then the Generator will work in set mode,
# for example if commit parameter is 86bf3a482c68a3a466b278ae4c7bba4bd7be1d9c,aafac1c6d794750aeba9213e9b15a0b8f0e54f81
# then 2 report that represent the two commit will be created if they belong to the HEAD branch.
86bf3a482c68a3a466b278ae4c7bba4bd7be1d9c,aafac1c6d794750aeba9213e9b15a0b8f0e54f81 # set mode
then, add Environment variables:
after above, if everything is ok, run it and then reports will be created in /path/to/patch-filters/DiffReport/
for example, when repoPath
is guava and runPatchNum
is 4, then result will look like:
- DiffReport
- guava-a1b3c06
- guava-bfc1cce
- guava-fb6ef19
- index.html
by default, guava
in guava-a1b3c06
means repo
's name, a1b3c06
in guava-a1b3c06
the patch-filter diff report which use patch file between the commit a1b3c06
and the commit before a1b3c06
so it represents the commit a1b3c06